Colreorder error
Colreorder error

There is an issue with the ColReorder in that if you re-order columns as in the below example e.g. if Engine Version column is moved then Only the column header is getting moved but not the data in this column is getting reordered.
I have observed the error in chrome after reordering column in my datatable.
Uncaught Error: NOT_FOUND_ERR: DOM Exception 8 jquery.datatables.colreorder.min.js:19
o jquery.datatables.colreorder.min.js:19
f.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnColReorder jquery.datatables.colreorder.min.js:28
(anonymous function) jquery.datatables.min.js:312
ColReorder._fnMouseUp jquery.datatables.colreorder.min.js:61
(anonymous function) jquery.datatables.colreorder.min.js:53
c.event.handle jquery-1.4.3.min.js:63
I do not have any idea about this error as I am new to jquery.
Any one Please help me......
There is an issue with the ColReorder in that if you re-order columns as in the below example e.g. if Engine Version column is moved then Only the column header is getting moved but not the data in this column is getting reordered.
I have observed the error in chrome after reordering column in my datatable.
Uncaught Error: NOT_FOUND_ERR: DOM Exception 8 jquery.datatables.colreorder.min.js:19
o jquery.datatables.colreorder.min.js:19
f.fn.dataTableExt.oApi.fnColReorder jquery.datatables.colreorder.min.js:28
(anonymous function) jquery.datatables.min.js:312
ColReorder._fnMouseUp jquery.datatables.colreorder.min.js:61
(anonymous function) jquery.datatables.colreorder.min.js:53
c.event.handle jquery-1.4.3.min.js:63
I do not have any idea about this error as I am new to jquery.
Any one Please help me......
This discussion has been closed.
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"fnStateSave": function (oSettings, oData) {
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function (input, inst) {
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This is my datatable which is getting error. I have many similar grids but they all are working fine with colrorder as this grid is the one which can be editable might be it is the problem do not know what is the issue. when wanting to drag a column, only changes place the header and not the body.
Please help...