DataTables with SOLR json
DataTables with SOLR json

Disclaimer: I'm a total jquery/javascript newb, so my questions may appear ignorant to most
First time user of DataTables and I've decided to jump right in and use the beta. It also doesn't help that I'm trying to do something quite specific with it. Looking at previous forum posts, there's only really been one person asking about how to properly implement DataTables with SOLR and that was from a few of years ago.
I've managed to display some data on DataTables through JSONP from SOLR but it's still not quite there. In following sample code, I manage to use the new dataSrc to define where "aaData" is. But I don't have a way to define recordsTotal, recordsFiltered, and draw.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('example').dataTable( {
"ajax": {
"url": "http:///select",
"data" {'wt':'json', 'q':'*:*', 'rows':'10'},
"dataType": "jsonp",
"dataSrc": ""
"aoColumns": [
{"data" : "company" },
{"data" : "address" , "sDefaultContent": "" }
Here's a sample SOLR json:
"company":"ABC Company",
"address":"123 Knowyourrole blvd."
"company":"XYZ Company",
"address":"106 Park ave."
What's not working for me is that it is obviously not showing the proper amount of entries in the query parameters because I can't define recordsTotal, recordFiltered. I want to point "recordsTotal" to "numFOund" but it doesn't look like there is an easy way based on the documentation.
I also noticed that no matter how many actual rows I define in my SOLR query to return (to limit the dataset), DataTables just tends to grab everything back from my SOLR index. i.e. I query for 10 rows but in my DataTables result, I can keep clicking page after page of new data.
I just wanted to ask the community if anyone has had any success implementing DataTables as a viable UI view for SOLR.
First time user of DataTables and I've decided to jump right in and use the beta. It also doesn't help that I'm trying to do something quite specific with it. Looking at previous forum posts, there's only really been one person asking about how to properly implement DataTables with SOLR and that was from a few of years ago.
I've managed to display some data on DataTables through JSONP from SOLR but it's still not quite there. In following sample code, I manage to use the new dataSrc to define where "aaData" is. But I don't have a way to define recordsTotal, recordsFiltered, and draw.
$(document).ready(function() {
$('example').dataTable( {
"ajax": {
"url": "http:///select",
"data" {'wt':'json', 'q':'*:*', 'rows':'10'},
"dataType": "jsonp",
"dataSrc": ""
"aoColumns": [
{"data" : "company" },
{"data" : "address" , "sDefaultContent": "" }
Here's a sample SOLR json:
"company":"ABC Company",
"address":"123 Knowyourrole blvd."
"company":"XYZ Company",
"address":"106 Park ave."
What's not working for me is that it is obviously not showing the proper amount of entries in the query parameters because I can't define recordsTotal, recordFiltered. I want to point "recordsTotal" to "numFOund" but it doesn't look like there is an easy way based on the documentation.
I also noticed that no matter how many actual rows I define in my SOLR query to return (to limit the dataset), DataTables just tends to grab everything back from my SOLR index. i.e. I query for 10 rows but in my DataTables result, I can keep clicking page after page of new data.
I just wanted to ask the community if anyone has had any success implementing DataTables as a viable UI view for SOLR.
This discussion has been closed.
Is that information actually in the JSON data? Do you actually want to use server-side processing with the server doing all the processing?
If so, what you will need to do is define dataSrc as a function and map the values that SOLR replies with, to the property names DataTables expects: .
$('#example').dataTable( {
"ajax": function (data, callback, settings) {
var o = {
recordsTotal: data.response.numFound,
recordFiltered: data.response.numFound,
callback( o );
} );
or something like that - I doubt I've used the correct parameter names!
Would be interested in seeing your final code if you would be filling to share it, either here or as a comment on the Ajax doc page.
$('#example').dataTable( {
"ajax": function (data, callback, settings) {
var o = {
recordsTotal: data.response.numFound,
recordFiltered: data.response.numFound,
$.ajax {(
url": ""solr-url",
"data": {'wt':'json', 'q':'*:*', 'rows':'10'},
"dataType": "jsonp",
"dataSrc": "callback( o )"
"aoColumns": [
{"data" : "company" },
{"data" : "address" , "sDefaultContent": "" }
} );
I'm confused as to where to put the parameters for the ajax callback for the solr-url itself. The way I have it right now, I just get an error saying "Requested unknown parameter..." Which tells me it's not being mapped correctly.
That's not going to work - it is looking for a parameter in the data source called `callback( o )` rather than executing your callback function.
You want something like:
"dataSrc": function ( json ) {
return {
recordsTotal: json.response.numFound,
recordFiltered: json.response.numFound,
$('#example').dataTable( {
"ajax": {
url": ""solr-url",
"data": {'wt':'json', 'q':'*:*', 'rows':'10'},
"dataType": "jsonp",
"dataSrc": function (json) {
return {
recordsTotal: "response.numFound",
recordsFiltered: "response.numFound",
data: ""
"aoColumns": [
{"data" : "company" },
{"data" : "address" , "sDefaultContent": "" }
} );
Thanks again for your help.
Why are you giving it strings? The data is in the `json` object. Use the object structured like I suggested above and it might just work.
Edit - I see I had a typo where I used `data` rather than `json` - fixed now. But still don't use strings :-)
$('#example').dataTable( {
"ajax": {
url": ""solr-url",
"data": {'wt':'json', 'q':'*:*', 'rows':'10'},
"dataType": "jsonp",
"dataSrc": function (json) {
return {
recordsTotal: json.response.numFound,
recordsFiltered: json.response.numFound,
"aoColumns": [
{"data" : "company" },
{"data" : "address" , "sDefaultContent": "" }
} );
I assume it should be
[code]"url": "[/code]
The typos are real. But that isn't the reason why the code is not working. I've been working offline, so I definitely have a few (a lot) of typos as I transfer some of my sample code.
I've taken the time to set it up using a solr indexer from berkley and the live datatables (thank you for providing it).
The first example shows the result when I have "dataSrc": "". And the results (as you can see there data being returned).,css,js,output
The 2nd example shows the result when I use "dataSrc" : function(json). As you can see, nothing gets returned back.
If anyone has time to take a quick look at this for me and figure out what we can do to get this puppy up and running, I would owe a great debt of gratitude.
The data source is evaluated _after_ the length parameters are parsed, and it is expecting the data array to be returned from it, not the full source object.
In which case, you need to make your own Ajax call:
Thanks so much for your help and patience on this one. I was trying to write my own callback at some point but I just don't know jquery syntax well enough to get there. Your example code looks great and I'm excited to finally use datatables for my solution even if it means writing my own ajax call. I'll need to take some time to learn more client side programming as it's powerful stuff!
Keep up the great work, and I'm looking to donate some money for this awesome support and development. Perhaps this specific case will be covered in a future release of DT?