paging does not redraw site
paging does not redraw site

Hi there,
I just started to use DataTables and I am impressed. Congratulations!
Here is the linke to the debugger output:
Now my problem:
I have the following methods defined:
$(document).ready(function() {
} );
function getFilteredCompanies() {
var oTableCompanylist = $('#addrlist').dataTable( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": "/getFilteredObjects",
"dataType": "json",
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"sAjaxSource": "/getFilteredObjects",
"fnServerData": function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback) {
$.getJSON(sSource, aoData, function (json) {
//var parsedJSON = $.parseJSON(json);
} );
They work fine on loading the page the first time.
When I then change the numer of records to display, a new set of records are fetched from the server, however they are not displayed.
The old set of data remains on the screen.
I did try to debug trough the code, but failed to find the reason.
Two things I found out:
1. A new set of records is processed.
2. the test on line 2476 (marked with <<--- below)
fails on the redraw.
if ( draw )
// Protect against out of sequence returns
if ( draw*1 < settings.iDraw ) { <<---
settings.iDraw = draw * 1;
I do not understand the code well enough to judge whether this is a problem or not.
Thanks for pointers on how to fix my code
I just started to use DataTables and I am impressed. Congratulations!
Here is the linke to the debugger output:
Now my problem:
I have the following methods defined:
$(document).ready(function() {
} );
function getFilteredCompanies() {
var oTableCompanylist = $('#addrlist').dataTable( {
"processing": true,
"serverSide": true,
"ajax": "/getFilteredObjects",
"dataType": "json",
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"sAjaxSource": "/getFilteredObjects",
"fnServerData": function (sSource, aoData, fnCallback) {
$.getJSON(sSource, aoData, function (json) {
//var parsedJSON = $.parseJSON(json);
} );
They work fine on loading the page the first time.
When I then change the numer of records to display, a new set of records are fetched from the server, however they are not displayed.
The old set of data remains on the screen.
I did try to debug trough the code, but failed to find the reason.
Two things I found out:
1. A new set of records is processed.
2. the test on line 2476 (marked with <<--- below)
fails on the redraw.
if ( draw )
// Protect against out of sequence returns
if ( draw*1 < settings.iDraw ) { <<---
settings.iDraw = draw * 1;
I do not understand the code well enough to judge whether this is a problem or not.
Thanks for pointers on how to fix my code
This discussion has been closed.
Same issue for me. I just commented the two lines ...
so far so good, but i hope there won't be any other problem related to my own fix.
Anyone to say what "// Protect against out of sequence returns" means ?