Cannot read property 'oApi' of undefined
Cannot read property 'oApi' of undefined

i updated Datatbles from 1.9.1 to 1.10.0 and now i direcly get Error message "Cannot read property 'oApi' of undefined".
I load the scripts with require.js and i am sure that the load order is correct (jquery, datatable, plugins)...
DataTables: {deps: ['jQuery','Underscore'], exports: 'DataTables'},
A look into the Timeline of Debug Console shows that jquery is loaded before datatables and all plugins after datatables.
Does anyone have an idea ?
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PS: jquery is 1.7.1... so requirements are ok ... the error shows up with jquery 1.11, too
Can you link to a page showing the problem please?
Hi Allan,
I am sorry but thats not possible because its a secured internal websystem.
I also get a "undefined is not a function" with the new version. so datatables seems not to be loaded at all.. but it is. If i rename the file i get 404 error so with corrent name it is definitely loaded (as i can see in the ressources log in google chrome)
I'm afraid I'd need a way of being able to reproduce the problem to be able to offer any help. Perhaps you can use JSFiddle or similar to provide a test case?
Hi Allan,
ill try to give you usable data tomorrow.. have to leave :-)
Good morning :-)
i Load the following way:
Loading main.js (data-main:"js/main.js" src="js/libs/require/require.js")
baseUrl: '',
paths: {
jQuery: 'path to jquery-min1.7.1',
DataTables: 'path to DataTables 1.10',
shim: {
jQuery: {
exports: '$'
DataTables: {
deps: ['jQuery'],
exports: 'DataTables'
define(['jQuery','DataTables'],function($,DataTables) {
render: function(){
List = $('#DataTable_List').dataTable( {....});
If i change Datatables js Path to DataTables 1.9.1 in Step 2 everything works fine. But not with Version 1.10..(File Path is correct)
I allready tried just to replace the .js File of the versions in the directory path of the DataTables Plugin but that doesn`t work, too.
I suspect you might need to use
as the name since DataTables is a named module.Allan
no thats correct. "Datatables" here is only the namespace of require. this name can be used in other JS files to make the module usable. There you give in that namespace and require loads the named module before rendering.
the only think that i change is the source JS File of datatables (replace the js file within the directory.
the html keeps the same
the require routine keeps the same
the loading of the plugins after loading datatables keeps the same
putting the datatables 1.9.1 JS file in the source directory : no load errors, working
putting the datatables 1.10 JS file in the source directory : no load errors, NOT working
is it possible that datatables 1.10 does not work good with require.js ?
I've seen 1.10 being used with Require.js before, but the naming was important. Could you try using
and seeing what happens?I'm planning on writing up a blog post about using Require with DataTables and the extensions soon (I need to release the extensions with a small update first though).
Hi Allan,
i replaces DataTables with DataTable everywhere but nothing changed..
i replaces DataTable with DataTables everywhere but nothing changed..
case sensitive is no matter here, is it ?
Yes, I think it does matter. But I'm not certain. As I say, I will be doing some work with RequireJS myself soon and will blog about it as soon as I get a chance.
Hi allan,
i`ve got it to work now :-) You were right I had to name the Namespace to "datatables" in Require.js-Paths. Case sensitive. And I had to change that in every File i load a datatable.
Aftwerwards I had to change all parts of bootstrap pagination.. Now its working :-)
Thank you very much !
Excellent to hear you got it working.
Excellent to hear you got it working.
Thanks for your help :-)
Hi again ...
since I updated datatables and converted the parameter names, the lengthMenu function is not working.
I have a datatable without lengthMenu so default [ 10, 25, 50, 100 ] should be loaded, but I get the full List.
The Area with the dropdown is not there any more... but sDom (new:dom) has not changed
The DOM Element is still created but not the select element
Any Idea ?
PS: change from "sAjaxSource" to "ajax" seems to destroy the filtering.