How to store multiple values in one database cell?

How to store multiple values in one database cell?

janosijanosi Posts: 7Questions: 4Answers: 0

Dear Community

I have recently started using Datatables Editor for an upcoming project and am strugling with a few issues when using the editor.

The project is hosted on Typo3 CMS, which has a single usergroups field for all users. This field containds the ID of the usergroup(s) for that user. It is possible that only a single usergroup is selected for a user, but multiple can be present as well. The usergroups are separated by ",".

I tried using the following

Field::inst( 'usergroup' )
            ->setFormatter( 'Format::implode', "," )
            ->getFormatter( 'Format::explode', "," )

However when I select multiple groups and submit, I get a JavaScript error even before the data is sent ("TypeError: e is null"). I assume that the problem is that the Editor does not know that my select field can have multiple values.

I have the usergroups field set for "select" and "opts" "multiple" is enabled.

These settings work fine with actual multiple-type fields (in case of linked joins), but fails in this supposedly more simple case. Could you plesae give me an example on how to solve this?

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  • allanallan Posts: 63,161Questions: 1Answers: 10,406 Site admin

    I assume that the problem is that the Editor does not know that my select field can have multiple values.

    The select field type uses jQuery's $().val() method to read the value, and that does work okay with a multiple value select field type - it returns an array of the selected values.

    So there is something else going on. Are you able to give me a link to the page so I can debug the issue?


  • janosijanosi Posts: 7Questions: 4Answers: 0

    Dear allan

    I do not think I can provide you with a link, but I can paste the whole generated JS code.

    So the problem is related to "fe_users.usergroup".

    var actionURL = "fe_users.php";
        var recordID = "";
        var programID = "";
        var displayLimit = "10";
        var dtServerSide = true;
        var dtSetup = [
            {data: 'fe_users.uid'}, 
            {data: 'fe_users.title', render: function (val, type, row) {
                        var lab = '';
                             case '': 
                            lab = ''; 
                        break;  case 'Dr.': 
                            lab = 'Dr.'; 
                        break;  case 'Hab.': 
                            lab = 'Hab.'; 
                        break;  case 'Phd.': 
                            lab = 'Phd.'; 
                        break;  case 'Prof.': 
                            lab = 'Prof.'; 
                        return lab;
            {data: 'fe_users.last_name'}, 
            {data: 'fe_users.first_name'}, 
            {data: 'fe_users.usergroup', render: function (val, type, row) {
                        var lab = '';
                             case '2': 
                            lab = 'Menedzser'; 
                        break;  case '3': 
                            lab = 'Asszisztens'; 
                        break;  case '4': 
                            lab = 'Partner'; 
                        return lab;
            {data: 'crm_egyeb_teruletek', render: '[, ].nev'}];
    var dtEditorSetup = [
        {'name':'fe_users.uid', 'type':'hidden', 'label':'ID'}, 
        {'name':'fe_users.title', 'type':'select', 'label':'Titulus', 'options':[
        {'name':'fe_users.last_name', 'label':'Vezetéknév'}, 
        {'name':'fe_users.first_name', 'label':'Keresztnév'}, 
        {'name':'fe_users.usergroup', 'type':'select', 'label':'Beosztás(ok)', 'options':[
            , 'attr':{"multiple":"true"}}, 
        {'name':'crm_egyeb_teruletek[].terulet_id', 'type':'select', 'label':'Terület(ek)', 'attr':{"multiple":"true"}}];
        var dtFilterSetup = [{'filter_type':'text', 'text_data_delimiter': ',', 'filter_delay': 500, 'column_number': 1}, {'filter_type':'text', 'text_data_delimiter': ',', 'filter_delay': 500, 'column_number': 2}, {'filter_type':'text', 'text_data_delimiter': ',', 'filter_delay': 500, 'column_number': 3}, {'filter_type':'text', 'text_data_delimiter': ',', 'filter_delay': 500, 'column_number': 4}, {'filter_type':'text', 'text_data_delimiter': ',', 'filter_delay': 500, 'column_number': 5}];
    dTable_editor_1 = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
            "ajax": { 
                "url": actionURL,  
                "type": "POST",
                "data": function ( d ) {
                    d.recordID = recordID;
                    d.programID = programID;
            "table": elementID,
            "fields": dtEditorSetup,        
            "i18n": {
               "create": {        
                    "button": "Új",        
                    "title":  "Új bejegyzés létrehozása",        
                    "submit": "Létrehoz"    
                "edit": {        
                    "button": "Módosítás",       
                    "title":  "Bejegyzés módosítása",        
                    "submit": "Módosítás"    
                "remove": {        
                    "button": "Törlés",        
                    "title":  "Törlés",        
                    "submit": "Törlés",        
                    "confirm": {            
                        "_": "Biztos le akar törölni %d sort?", 
                        "1": "Biztos le akarja törölni a sort?"        
                "error": {        
                    "system": "Rendszerhiba történt."    
        } );
    dTable_1 = $(elementID).DataTable({
            dom: "Tlrtip",
            ajax: {
                url: actionURL,
                type: "POST",
                "data": function ( d ) {
                    d.recordID = recordID;
                    d.programID = programID;
            iDisplayLength: displayLimit,
            lengthMenu: [[5, 10, 25, 50, -1], [5, 10, 25, 50, "Összes"]],
            serverSide: dtServerSide,
            columns: dtSetup,
            order: [ 1, 'asc' ],
            tableTools: {
                sRowSelect: "os",           
                /* sRowSelector: 'td:first-child', */
                sSwfPath: "fileadmin/template/metro_lab_template/assets/DataTables/DataTables-1.10.7/extensions/TableTools/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf",
                aButtons: [
                     {  sExtends: "editor_create", editor: dTable_editor_1  } ,
                     {  sExtends: "editor_edit", editor: dTable_editor_1  } ,
                     {  sExtends: "editor_remove", editor: dTable_editor_1  } ,
                        sExtends: "collection",
                        sButtonText: "Exportálás",
                        sButtonClass: "save-collection",
                        aButtons: [ 'copy', 'csv', 'xls', 'pdf' ]
            language: {                
                url: "fileadmin/template/metro_lab_template/assets/DataTables/DataTables-1.10.7/media/js/dataTables.hungarian.lang"
            initComplete: function(settings, json) {
        // Filter
        yadcf.init(dTable_1, dtFilterSetup, 'footer');
  • allanallan Posts: 63,161Questions: 1Answers: 10,406 Site admin

    Could you also give me the backtrace for the error ( TypeError: e is null ) so I can see where it is occurring in the code and what is calling the function that is causing the error.


  • janosijanosi Posts: 7Questions: 4Answers: 0
    edited June 2015

    Dear Allan

    Sorry for my late reply, I have been very busy as of late and this issue was set on halt in favour for more important bits.

    I removed some parts of this post, becasue it became invalid.

    I was able to make fast progress with this. It turns out that the usergroups was not the source of the issue afterall (even though it only ever appeared when I selected more then one usergroup).

    The actual cause appears to be with the "crm_egyeb_teruletek" field.
    Right now the datatable works good if "crm_egyeb_teruletek" is set to checkbox, but fails when I try to set it to a multiple select.
    This field is link-joined with another table (based on one of the examples here). In the examples it works as checbox too, but in my case there are too many selectable options, so I need a select box.

    On a different topic:
    is it possible to filter (add where clause) a table inside leftjoin statement in the editor?

  • allanallan Posts: 63,161Questions: 1Answers: 10,406 Site admin
    Answer ✓

    The actual cause appears to be with the "crm_egyeb_teruletek" field.

    So are you still getting an error on the page? If so, can you give me a backtrace?

    is it possible to filter (add where clause) a table inside leftjoin statement in the editor?

    The where() condition can be applied to the joined fields as well, yes. It's just a case of adding the column name in the condition.


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