Miss-aligned headers after creating table
Miss-aligned headers after creating table

The table headers are not aligned with the body columns after creating the table.
Triggering page resize fixes the problem but it is not very clean $(window).trigger('resize');
Calling 'table.columns.adjust().draw();' fixes it too but only partially. In this case the headers are re-positioned but not perfectly aligned.
Nevertheless I would expect the headers to be in the right place out of the box.
Anybody has experienced the same problem? Any better solution?
Is this a known bug with datatables?
For screenshots check this link: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37549242/datatables-net-miss-aligned-headers-after-creating-table
Make sure you don't have any styling overriding DataTables. It looks like you might have margin or padding -right on your header.
Thanks but it's not that
Then we would need a link to an example with your bug. "table.columns.adjust()" works most of the time, but if you are hiding/showing your table via tabs or anything else, you need to make sure all transition animations have completed before calling "table.columns.adjust()".