I need to see my JSON data from server as I am getting a message box error that my json format is not right. I would like to see it so I can change where I made an mistake.
Thanks for your fast respond. I am not even getting any json data? Is that possible. My request is sent but it keeps receiving data, that little busy circle keeps spinning. Any idea?
After some time I did get response and it is: Not unique table/alias: 'jphit'
What would be result of this error? I keep trying to remove this problem for days
I am testing it on localhost. I will put code inside so you can see.
This is my table
Hit value
Hit value
This was the table that was working normally and representing my data normally when I was using only one table in my query.
Now I have a bit complex query. I try to put it as simple as I can so you can see what I am doing wrong.
This is a Allan's php code that I have changed to get my data, I'll put just part of the code.
/* Indexed column (used for fast and accurate table cardinality) */
$sIndexColumn = "ID"; //when I put a.ID I am getting the same error
/* DB table to use */
$sTable = "a,b,c,d,e";
$sWhere = "a.ID=b.ID AND a.METER_ID=c.id
AND d.co_id=e.id";
This is one example from my head. If I am making this work with my own database I would give you real query but this is from a company that I work for so they have strict policy.
One more thing to say. When I run my query in mysql it gives me data that I need to see. So in mysql is working and here it doesn't. I keep getting errors in aserchable variables and so on.
Can someone see if I am making queries in the right place? maybe my query is not where it should be
But have I put all the query values in the right place? Like where part should really go there in the [code]$sWhere[/code] and so on. I am thinking that I didn't put part of my queries in the right php variables. What do you think from what you see?
I looks okay form what information is above. However, I'd suggest the error is likely that there is an SQL syntax error. I'd suggest echoing out the SQL query that is built and seeing what is wrong with that.
yes I was just looking in that. So I made a little test just to determine which part is wrong. Error for now is occurring when I put your column array more then one table from which column you need to show then error is occurring. For example if you put in your array a.id and only that , your table will be filled correctly. But when you but a.id, b.id then you have a error. Have you tried that? Try this multiple columns from more then one table in your column array and tell me what you get. Is there any special form to write that down?
After some time I did get response and it is: Not unique table/alias: 'jphit'
What would be result of this error? I keep trying to remove this problem for days
Can someone please help me to get this to work. As I am a big fan of this script
This is my table
Hit value
Hit value
This was the table that was working normally and representing my data normally when I was using only one table in my query.
Now I have a bit complex query. I try to put it as simple as I can so you can see what I am doing wrong.
This is a Allan's php code that I have changed to get my data, I'll put just part of the code.
$aColumns=array(FROM_UNIXTIME(a.timestamp)','a.ID','b.name','a.METER_ID','c.LevelName','d.SM_POS', 'a.HIT' );
/* Indexed column (used for fast and accurate table cardinality) */
$sIndexColumn = "ID"; //when I put a.ID I am getting the same error
/* DB table to use */
$sTable = "a,b,c,d,e";
$sWhere = "a.ID=b.ID AND a.METER_ID=c.id
AND d.co_id=e.id";
This is one example from my head. If I am making this work with my own database I would give you real query but this is from a company that I work for so they have strict policy.
One more thing to say. When I run my query in mysql it gives me data that I need to see. So in mysql is working and here it doesn't. I keep getting errors in aserchable variables and so on.
Can someone see if I am making queries in the right place? maybe my query is not where it should be
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#table_jphit').dataTable( {
"bProcessing": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"sScrollY": "350px",
"bDeferRender": true,
"sAjaxSource": "table.php"
} );
} );
_ 1339148570962
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