Optionally use session cookies for state saves
Optionally use session cookies for state saves

DataTables currently only supports cookies expiring based on a time period, but it would be nice to be able to use session cookies that would go away when the browser is closed. I've looked into it, and it would be a trivial modification to support this (one extra bool option and a few small branches inside _fnCreateCookie) and I could probably make the changes myself and send diffs if that would be helpful.
DataTables currently only supports cookies expiring based on a time period, but it would be nice to be able to use session cookies that would go away when the browser is closed. I've looked into it, and it would be a trivial modification to support this (one extra bool option and a few small branches inside _fnCreateCookie) and I could probably make the changes myself and send diffs if that would be helpful.
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With DataTables moving to an increasingly modular architecture ( http://datatables.net/development/roadmap ) I'd suggest taking a similar approach for alternative state saving methods - but certainly diffs are very welcome to see your approach!