Error in IE 6, 7
Error in IE 6, 7

If I use aoColumns (all browsers) or aoColumnDefs in IE9 and other browser then all fine.
But when I use aoColumnDefs in IE 6, 7 (8 - not tested) i have strange error in jquery.dataTables.js on line 376 like "aTargets": is null. It's strange, because in IE 6,7 aoColDefs.length is 1 more than it actually defined. For example:
"aoColumnDefs": [
{ "aTargets": [0], "sTitle": "Contract", "mDataProp": "Contract", "sClass": "cr" },
Defined 1 column? but in IE 6,7 aoColDefs.length = 2.
// Column definitions with aTargets
if ( aoColDefs )
/* Loop over the definitions array - loop in reverse so first instance has priority */
for ( i=aoColDefs.length-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- )
/* Each definition can target multiple columns, as it is an array */
var aTargets = aoColDefs[i].aTargets; - in this place I have exception "aTargets": is null
Is it posible to correct this problem?
Then you/
If I use aoColumns (all browsers) or aoColumnDefs in IE9 and other browser then all fine.
But when I use aoColumnDefs in IE 6, 7 (8 - not tested) i have strange error in jquery.dataTables.js on line 376 like "aTargets": is null. It's strange, because in IE 6,7 aoColDefs.length is 1 more than it actually defined. For example:
"aoColumnDefs": [
{ "aTargets": [0], "sTitle": "Contract", "mDataProp": "Contract", "sClass": "cr" },
Defined 1 column? but in IE 6,7 aoColDefs.length = 2.
// Column definitions with aTargets
if ( aoColDefs )
/* Loop over the definitions array - loop in reverse so first instance has priority */
for ( i=aoColDefs.length-1 ; i>=0 ; i-- )
/* Each definition can target multiple columns, as it is an array */
var aTargets = aoColDefs[i].aTargets; - in this place I have exception "aTargets": is null
Is it posible to correct this problem?
Then you/
This discussion has been closed.
I checked your version and you're right. Excess trailing comma cause this same error.
Many thanks for your help and support.
Good luck.
"aoColumnDefs": [
{ "aTargets": [0], "sTitle": "Contract", "mDataProp": "Contract", "sClass": "cr" },
Line 2 - right at the very end.