URGENT: How-to apply a filter function to only one datatable?
URGENT: How-to apply a filter function to only one datatable?
Is it possible to apply a certain filter to only one datatable?
I have the following filter function that I am applying on document ready, I don't know if this is proper procedure, but as a side effect all dataTables will be affected by the filter. I would Like to affect only the $('#productTable'), but this selector appears to not have the desired effect.
//Filter Function in Stock
$.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering.push(function(oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
var checked = $('#instock').is(':checked');
var qntStock = 1;
var stockCol = 3;
if (!checked) {
return true;
if (checked && aData[stockCol] > qntStock) {
return true;
return false;
Is it possible to apply a filter only to a particular table? How do I accomplish this?
I need to have this for a system that is going into production this next Monday! Any help is highly appreciated!
I have the following filter function that I am applying on document ready, I don't know if this is proper procedure, but as a side effect all dataTables will be affected by the filter. I would Like to affect only the $('#productTable'), but this selector appears to not have the desired effect.
//Filter Function in Stock
$.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering.push(function(oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
var checked = $('#instock').is(':checked');
var qntStock = 1;
var stockCol = 3;
if (!checked) {
return true;
if (checked && aData[stockCol] > qntStock) {
return true;
return false;
Is it possible to apply a filter only to a particular table? How do I accomplish this?
I need to have this for a system that is going into production this next Monday! Any help is highly appreciated!
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did you find a solution to this problem. I am experiencing the same. I will post back if I find something.
if ( document.getElementById('productTable') == oSettings.nTable ) {
... do filter
return true;
Note that I've used getElementById rather than a jQuery selector because it is faster and you want all the speed possible here. Better yet would be caching the element into a "global" variable (not turely global, but locally).
Regarding the urgent nature of your request - that's what the support options are there for http://datatables.net/support :-)
The application I am working on 'navigates' between application sections (a list of customers, a list of users, a list of notifications, etc) by replacing the contents of a 'display' div on the main page of my application. I have a global set of javascript functions that are loaded in the main page and take care of navigation, handling dialog boxes and other user inputs and, most important to this discussion, retrieving data from the server to display in DataTables. For convenience in working with those global functions, each section DataTable has the id 'dataTable' (not very imaginative, I know).
What I am finding is that when I load the DataTable in section A (in a 'generic' function which applies to all sections of my application):
$('#dataTable').dataTable( {
"aaData": data.data,
"bPaginate": false,
"bInfo": false,
"sDom": '<"dataTables_filter_toolbar">frtip'
and then apply my filtering logic (in a function that is 'section-specific'):
function( oSettings, aData, iDataIndex ) {
if ( aData[4] == "OPEN") {
return true;
else if (dataTable_filter_showOpenOnly) { //this var is set true or false by a checkbox trigger
return false;
return true;
everything works as I expect it to, but when I load the DataTable in section B using the same generic method as above, the filtering for the table in A stays in effect. I figured that since I 'pushed' the filtering onto the $.fn.dataTableExt.aftFiltering array, I could just 0 the length to clear out the functioning, but that doesn't seem to work.
I could go through my application and try to make unique ids for my dataTables in each application section to allow your previous suggestion to work, but that will introduce a number of other complexities as I work with the tables after they've been displayed. Is there a way to clear the filtering while I am navigating between sections that I am missing?
Thanks again.
$.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering.splice( 0, $.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering.length );
$.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering = [];
should both wipe out the filtering array.
This 'global' filtering can be quite frustrating I know :-(. I do plan on addressing this in future versions of DataTables: http://datatables.net/development/roadmap (v1.12).
> ids be unique across sections?
When you say a 'section' do you mean that there can be multiple sections on a page, or that they are on different pages? IDs have to be unique on a page.
You might also want to look at how you can set defaults for DataTables, which it sounds like you want to do: http://datatables.net/release-datatables/examples/advanced_init/defaults.html
I don't understand how to attach this to my event... but i will try to apply it. Is there no way to do this on the constructor?
How does the support system work? Would one hour be enough? I will definitively keep it in mind for a next time... datatables is quite extensive and I started working with it just a couple of weeks ago...
Currently no - it is planned for 1.12 - although it might get bumped up to 1.11 depending on how things shape up!
> How does the support system work? Would one hour be enough?
Typically yes :-). It will certainly be enough for me to scope out the issue with you and work towards a solution. Obviously more complex the issue, the longer it can take to solve.
> I get this when I try to use that code: Uncaught ReferenceError: oSettings is not defined
oSettings is being defined in your function header:
$.fn.dataTableExt.afnFiltering.push(function(oSettings, aData, iDataIndex) {
Possibly you've named it something else?