Scroller: Select row as selected after scrolling to it
Scroller: Select row as selected after scrolling to it
How can i select a row after having scrolled to it with scroller (fnScrollToRow)?
The issue with below code is, that the node has not been created once fnFindCellRowNodes is called and hence null is returned and the row is not selected.
//componentsTable.fnDraw(); //tried this but does not help either
var nodes = componentsTable.fnFindCellRowNodes(noParam, "no");
var node = nodes[0];
Is there a way to either wait for the nodes to be fully created before fnFindCellRowNodes is called or to programatically create the node for the row we scroll to?
The issue with below code is, that the node has not been created once fnFindCellRowNodes is called and hence null is returned and the row is not selected.
//componentsTable.fnDraw(); //tried this but does not help either
var nodes = componentsTable.fnFindCellRowNodes(noParam, "no");
var node = nodes[0];
Is there a way to either wait for the nodes to be fully created before fnFindCellRowNodes is called or to programatically create the node for the row we scroll to?
This discussion has been closed.
See for an qnd example of how it could be done