Broken Link?

Broken Link?

makuckmakuck Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited July 2012 in Editor
The page that is supposed to show details on the server side scripting ( redirects to

I don't see any relevant info there for what the server is expecting. Am I missing something?


  • makuckmakuck Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    ...and now it works
  • allanallan Posts: 62,522Questions: 1Answers: 10,272 Site admin

    To view the "Server' page you need to log in with your DataTables account and then load the page. Only users who have licensed Editor (such as yourself) and those in their 15 day trial can see the 'server' page.

    So since you posted here, you should be able to click on the link in your post and it should just work :-). Let me know if you are still having problems with it.

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