Suggestion for Colvis to put the showAll/restoreAll buttons at the top of the listing
Suggestion for Colvis to put the showAll/restoreAll buttons at the top of the listing

Hello Allan,
Wouldn't it be interesting to replace code 1 by code 2 in order to have the Show all/ restore all buttons at the top of the listing.
It is useful when you have a big column listing and the end user do not know the existence of this useful buttons.
So it is just suggestions.
code 1:
* Loop through the columns in the table and as a new button for each one.
* @method _fnAddButtons
* @returns void
* @private
"_fnAddButtons": function ()
sExclude = ","+this.s.aiExclude.join(',')+",";
for ( var i=0, iLen=this.s.dt.aoColumns.length ; i
Wouldn't it be interesting to replace code 1 by code 2 in order to have the Show all/ restore all buttons at the top of the listing.
It is useful when you have a big column listing and the end user do not know the existence of this useful buttons.
So it is just suggestions.
code 1:
* Loop through the columns in the table and as a new button for each one.
* @method _fnAddButtons
* @returns void
* @private
"_fnAddButtons": function ()
sExclude = ","+this.s.aiExclude.join(',')+",";
for ( var i=0, iLen=this.s.dt.aoColumns.length ; i
This discussion has been closed.
Long term the plan is actually the merge ColVis into TableTools, since TableTools already has the majority of the code required for implementing what ColVis does on its own, and TableTools has a lot more configurability - making this kind of customisation a breeze.
But I am looking forward for the opportunity to have the option to put these buttons at the top cause IMHO at the user ergonomy level is better to have these button located at the top.
Thanks. Fred