rowReordering - how to return new order?
rowReordering - how to return new order?

Hi Everyone,
I have rowReordering working like in the demo here:
However I want to have a separate function I can call from a html button that returns the new order.
(dont care what format it is in, json, array etc...)
It should be the most simplest of things, tho I cant seem to work out how.
so if by default my rows had index : 5, 10, 15
then I dragged them to new positions eg new order: 10, 5, 15
I'd like to click a button and have a function return me the new order.
Any ideas?
I have rowReordering working like in the demo here:
However I want to have a separate function I can call from a html button that returns the new order.
(dont care what format it is in, json, array etc...)
It should be the most simplest of things, tho I cant seem to work out how.
so if by default my rows had index : 5, 10, 15
then I dragged them to new positions eg new order: 10, 5, 15
I'd like to click a button and have a function return me the new order.
Any ideas?
This discussion has been closed.
function fnGetReorderedIDs(id){
var table = $("#" + id).closest("table");
var ids = table.find(".projectID").map(function(){
return this.value;
return ids.join(",")
The selector ".projectID" returns a group of hidden fields that each contained the ID of the project in its row. The map function just allowed me to grab all the values as a group, and I joined them together because I was sending them server-side for reordering, and it was the easiest way I could think of. Then I modified the ajax call in the plugin to add these values:
// Snag the IDs in their current order in the DOM.
var reorderedIDs = fnGetReorderedIDs(;
if (properties.sURL != null) {
url: properties.sURL,
type: properties.sRequestType,
data: {
// Leave the default values alone, even though I'm not using them.
fromPosition: oState.iCurrentPosition,
toPosition: oState.iNewPosition,
direction: oState.sDirection,
group: sGroup,
// Add my reordered IDs to the mix.
reorderedIDs: reorderedIDs
success: function () {
fnMoveRows(sSelector, oState.iCurrentPosition, oState.iNewPosition, oState.sDirection,, sGroup);
error: function (jqXHR) {
fnCancelSorting(tbody, properties, 1, jqXHR.statusText);
There are probably much better ways to do this, but I'm not super-adept at writing plugin code. In any case, this grabbed a set of values from the DOM as it stands after the move. Without it, I had to write some fairly ugly code to reset each project's position in the list, and it's much easier and less error-prone to simply assign them all an index value from their actual position.