show page which includes updated row after ajax-data-reload
show page which includes updated row after ajax-data-reload

first of all. Thanks for this awesome product. If ever my product generates some income (which I hope so ;-) I will donate a bunch of dollars to you guys. Just unbelievable what you provide here as open source!
I have an issue where I want to present the user the page where he can find the row he just updated. The show page action has to happen after the reload of the table, the server will provide the datatables script with the ID of the last updated record and I populate in the first column of my table the ID of the record. Thus everything there what we need, but I do not find a sane way to implement it.
One solution that came into my mind was to add a column with a record modification date and sort by this date. Then the record is likely at the first page. But I want to preserve the user sort and filter settings. But note, I do not want to preserve the page he was looking at, since it is probably not the correct anymore.
I posted my question also at Stackoverflow. For details I would like to redirect you to the question I posted there. I hope this is fine.
Thanks a bunch,
first of all. Thanks for this awesome product. If ever my product generates some income (which I hope so ;-) I will donate a bunch of dollars to you guys. Just unbelievable what you provide here as open source!
I have an issue where I want to present the user the page where he can find the row he just updated. The show page action has to happen after the reload of the table, the server will provide the datatables script with the ID of the last updated record and I populate in the first column of my table the ID of the record. Thus everything there what we need, but I do not find a sane way to implement it.
One solution that came into my mind was to add a column with a record modification date and sort by this date. Then the record is likely at the first page. But I want to preserve the user sort and filter settings. But note, I do not want to preserve the page he was looking at, since it is probably not the correct anymore.
I posted my question also at Stackoverflow. For details I would like to redirect you to the question I posted there. I hope this is fine.
Thanks a bunch,
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