Breaking change in afnFiltering as of 1.9.3

Breaking change in afnFiltering as of 1.9.3

rewenrewen Posts: 74Questions: 2Answers: 0
edited August 2012 in Bug reports
Just a heads up that as of 1.9.3, functions in afnFiltering are only provided with aData for 'visible' columns in the table.

When I used 1.9.2 I had the following in my code working as expected:
function( oSettings, aData, iDataIndex ) {
return data.available_ports[aData[0]].type_bool === data.type_filter_bool;

Since column 0 was hidden and no longer passed within aData, I had to change my code to the following:

function( oSettings, aData, iDataIndex ) {
return data.available_ports[oSettings.aoData[iDataIndex]._aData[0]].type_bool === data.type_filter_bool;
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