Scroller Position issue in ie8
Scroller Position issue in ie8

I am using DataTables v1.9.3 and Scroller v1.0.2. When using server-side processing for huge data nearly 25k records and using customized row height in IE8 the scroller position doesnt reflects the current row no. for example if i scrolled the scroller up to 16k records it is fine and after wards the scroll position set to bottom. I am using rowheight 73px; if i use the default row hieght there is no issue it occurs only if customized the row height.
I am using DataTables v1.9.3 and Scroller v1.0.2. When using server-side processing for huge data nearly 25k records and using customized row height in IE8 the scroller position doesnt reflects the current row no. for example if i scrolled the scroller up to 16k records it is fine and after wards the scroll position set to bottom. I am using rowheight 73px; if i use the default row hieght there is no issue it occurs only if customized the row height.
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That suggests that the rows are not 73px in that case. What CSS is being applied? Can you link to your page please?
"sScrollY": "380px",
"bFilter": false,
'bServerSide': true,
'bDeferRender': true,
"aaSorting": [[1,'asc']],
"sAjaxSource": src,
"sDom": "frtiS",
"oScroller": {"displayBuffer": 7,
"fnInfoCallback": function ( aoData ) {
$('#table tr').css('height', '73'); //Setting the table row height here
The selector is too strong, you also need to update the cloned table. Try:
$('.dataTable tr')
Can you tell me about the cloned table.