Inserting Large numbers of records in datatable at a time.
Inserting Large numbers of records in datatable at a time.

I am using DataTable to dynamically load data using AJAX from php service(in JSON format), parse them and Add them to datatable as a whole using fnAddData() function.
Source is like:
for(var i=0;i
Source is like:
for(var i=0;i
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I tested in Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer.
And I have enabled deferred rendering and infinite scrolling using:
fTable = $('#fileTable').dataTable({
.... ,
"bScrollInfinite": true ,
"bDeferRender": true,
I can's use direct AJAX datasource to datatable because dataobjects that are returned by webservice are first processed as per some requirements and then array is builded and that is inflated in datatable.