Multiselect using checkboxes
Multiselect using checkboxes
I have a working implementation of doing multiselect via checkboxes but at the moment the data source has to have the checkbox in it to be rendered by datatables. We have a very generic implementation of datatables since we use it in many places in our codebase so I have a jquery wrapper function so that our devs can just do a simple call. I'd like to get it so that we can just call ('#foo').myDataTable({'multiSelect':true, ...otherParams}) and implement the checboxes in the datatables init code.
I've tried using aoColumns to define the first column as and left the other columns as null so that they would be auto discovered but i'm getting - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'className' of undefined
I've set aoColumns to be
'mDataProp': null,
//'sClass': 'selector',
'sDefaultContent' : ''
Here is my full initialization code
the calling code defines the following
"sAjaxSource": 'theurl',
"iDeferLoading": 44,
I've tried using aoColumns to define the first column as and left the other columns as null so that they would be auto discovered but i'm getting - Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'className' of undefined
I've set aoColumns to be
'mDataProp': null,
//'sClass': 'selector',
'sDefaultContent' : ''
Here is my full initialization code
the calling code defines the following
"sAjaxSource": 'theurl',
"iDeferLoading": 44,
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