[URGENT] JOIN two tables is working in SQL editors but not in Datables
[URGENT] JOIN two tables is working in SQL editors but not in Datables
Hi all I have a problem with my query. It is working normally in SQL editor but Its not working in PHP.
time1.time, time2.time, time1.Signal, v.Name, k.name , time1.reg
data time1
INNER JOIN data time2
ON time1.id != time2.id
AND time1.Serial = time2.Serial
INNER JOIN data_voz v
ON time1.FK_ID_voz=v.ID_voz
INNER JOIN data_vo k
ON time1.Reg=k.Reg
TIMEDIFF(time2.time, time1.time) BETWEEN '00:15:00' AND '00:30:00';
The first part of the code until WHERE clause is the same and it is in the $sTable variable, then we come to this WHERE clause, it look like this:
[code]$aWhereAnd[] = " TIMEDIFF(time2.time, time1.time) BETWEEN '".$_GET['stop1']."' AND '".$_GET['stop2']."'";[/code]
This should give me around 1000 records in the table and it is writing me 184000 records and none is shown??
time1.time, time2.time, time1.Signal, v.Name, k.name , time1.reg
data time1
INNER JOIN data time2
ON time1.id != time2.id
AND time1.Serial = time2.Serial
INNER JOIN data_voz v
ON time1.FK_ID_voz=v.ID_voz
INNER JOIN data_vo k
ON time1.Reg=k.Reg
TIMEDIFF(time2.time, time1.time) BETWEEN '00:15:00' AND '00:30:00';
The first part of the code until WHERE clause is the same and it is in the $sTable variable, then we come to this WHERE clause, it look like this:
[code]$aWhereAnd[] = " TIMEDIFF(time2.time, time1.time) BETWEEN '".$_GET['stop1']."' AND '".$_GET['stop2']."'";[/code]
This should give me around 1000 records in the table and it is writing me 184000 records and none is shown??
This discussion has been closed.
I will post the script when you approve that.
You can, but at the moment I don't have enough free time to look through hundreds of lines of code. So I think my previous suggestion stands - just print the SQL statement out and debug that.
I tried to use "echo" to print out a SQL query just before it is sent to a database. And when I use exactly the same query in mysql workbench it is working perfectly.
Please don't understand me wrong and I really think that you have more knowledge than me, but generated sql is really working.
That's why I wanted you to see the PHP, it is a 80% same as yours that I found on your website. It just has some additional stuff that we need when making a query.
If you still think that problem is in the SQL query, than I don't know who can really help me.
$aColumns = array( 'time1.Time' ,'time2.Time' , 'time1.Signal' , 'v.Name' , 'v.Lastname' , 'k.Veh_name' , 'time1.Registration , 'time1.Latitude' , 'time1.Longitude' );
/* Indexed column (used for fast and accurate table cardinality) */
$sIndexColumn = "time1.id";
/* DB table to use */
$sTable = "{$_SESSION['SESS_MAIN_BASE']} as time1
ON (time1.id != time2.id
AND time1.serial_number = time2.serial_number
AND time1.Latitude=time2.Latitude
AND time1.Longitude=time2.Longitude)
ON time1.FK_ID_driver=v.ID_driver
ON time1.Registration=k.Registration";
function parse_mysql_field ($sField)
/* CW 06/2012
* Takes as string definition of a MySQL database field and return an array describing
* the column name, table name (if present) and alias name (if present)
$sRegex =
// Delimiter
// Leading white space
. '^\s*'
// Table name
. '(?:(?P(?:`[^`]+`|[\w$]+))\.)?'
// Column name
. '(?P(?:`[^`]+`|[\w$]+))'
// Column alias
. '(?:\s+as\s+(?P(?:(?P[`\'"]?)[\w$]+\4|[\w$]+)))?'
// Delimiter/no case
. '/i';
preg_match($sRegex, $sField, $aMatches);
$aResult = array();
if ( $aMatches['table'] != '')
$aResult['table'] = trim( $aMatches['table'], '`' );
$aResult['column'] = trim( $aMatches['column'], '`' );
if ( !empty( $aMatches['alias'] ) )
if ( !empty( $aMatches['aliasquotetype'] ) )
$aResult['alias'] = trim( $aMatches['alias'], $aMatches['aliasquotetype'] );
$aResult['alias'] = $aMatches['alias'];
return $aResult;
if ( ! function_exists( 'json_encode' ) )
function json_encode ($mData)
/* CW 06/2012
* Replacement for native PHP json_enocde() when unavailable
$bIsObject = FALSE;
switch (TRUE) {
case $mData === NULL: return 'null';
case is_bool($mData): return $mData ? 'true' : 'false';
case is_int($mData) || is_float($mData): return $mData;
case is_string($mData): return '"' . addcslashes($mData, '"\\') . '"';
case is_object($mData):
$bIsObject = TRUE;
$mData = get_object_vars($mData);
case is_array($mData):
$i = 0;
foreach ($mData as $mKey => $mValue)
if ($mKey !== $i++)
$bIsObject = TRUE;
$iLength = count($mData);
if ($bIsObject)
foreach ($mData as $sKey => $mValue)
$mData[$sKey] = json_encode((string) $sKey) . ':' . json_encode($mValue);
return '{' . implode ( ',', $mData ) . '}';
foreach ($mData as $iKey => $mValue)
$mData[$iKey] = json_encode($mValue);
return '[' . implode ( ',', $mData ) . ']';
/* CW 06/2012
* Number of columns cached to prevent loop condition on count()
$iNumCols = count($aColumns);
/* CW 06/2012
* Create list of columns for use outside field list
* This allows the use of identifier aliases in $aColumns, and quotes identifiers
* to avoid collisions with MySQL reserved words
$aClauseColumns = array();
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $iNumCols ; $i++ )
/* Parse column string */
$aField = parse_mysql_field( $aColumns[$i] );
/* Create properly quoted strings from parsed values */
$sClauseCol = $sFieldCol = $sTableName = $sColumnName = $sColumnAlias = '';
if ( !empty( $aField['table'] ) )
$sTableName = '`' . trim( $aField['table'], '`' ) . '`.';
$sClauseCol .= $sTableName;
$sFieldCol .= $sTableName;
$sColumnName = '`' . trim( $aField['column'], '`' ) . '`';
$sClauseCol .= $sColumnName;
$sFieldCol .= $sColumnName;
if ( !empty( $aField['alias'] ) )
$sFieldCol .= ' AS `' . $aMatches['alias'] . '`';
$aClauseColumns[$i] = $sClauseCol;
$aColumns[$i] = $sFieldCol;
/* Individual column filtering */
/* CW 06/2012
* Array use for same reasons as in Ordering: section
$aWhereAnd = array();
if (isset($_GET['stop1'], $_GET['stop2'] ))
//$aWhereAnd[] = " TIMEDIFF(time2.Time, time1.Time) BETWEEN '".$_GET['stop1']."' AND '".$_GET['stop2']."'";
for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $iNumCols ; $i++ )
if ( isset($_GET['bSearchable_'.$i]) && $_GET['bSearchable_'.$i] == "true" && isset( $_GET['sSearch_'.$i] ) && $_GET['sSearch_'.$i] !== '' )
$aWhereAnd[] = $aClauseColumns[$i]." LIKE '%".@mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['sSearch_'.$i])."%'";
if ( count($aWhereAnd) > 0 )
if ($sWhere == "")
$sWhere .= " WHERE ";
$sWhere .= " AND ";
$sWhere .= implode(' AND ', $aWhereAnd);
* Output
$aOutput = array
"sEcho" => isset($_GET['sEcho']) ? (int) $_GET['sEcho'] : 0,
"iTotalRecords" => $iTotal,
"iTotalDisplayRecords" => $iFilteredTotal,
"aaData" => array()
if ( mysql_num_rows( $rResult ) > 0 )
/* CW 06/2012
* Find the position of the 'version' column if one was defined
$aCols = array_keys( mysql_fetch_assoc( $rResult ) );
mysql_data_seek($rResult, 0);
/* CW 06/2012
* Using _fetch_row() gives us the array in the format we want with no
* messing about. This will be faster and more memory efficient
while ( $aRow = mysql_fetch_row( $rResult ) )
$aOutput['aaData'][] = $aRow;
echo json_encode( $aOutput );