Auto re-initialize destroyed tables
Auto re-initialize destroyed tables
Hi all,
First thing's first: Really great job with this project.
Now on to the painful bit:
I'm trying to re-initialize some datatables that have been destroyed after using [code]$("#table").replaceWith(data);[/code]
The "data" is html markup of a new table that comes from my server after a successful ajax request.
This is the bit that I use to initialize the table on load:
$(function() {
"bPaginate": false,
"sDom": 'lrt'
After I replace the HTML with the new data, I'd like the table to re-initialize automatically. I'm using RoR and I'm all about unobtrusive javascript and DRY approach. Is there a way similar to jQuery's $("el").on(event, el, fn) to keep an eye on the $("#table") element and re-initialize it as soon as it get's re-written?
Full code:
$(function() {
"bPaginate": false,
"sDom": 'lrt'
$("#bigdiv").on("ajax:beforeSend", "a[data-refresher]", function(evt, xhr, settings) {
.on("ajax:success", "a[data-refresher]", function(evt, data, status, xhr) {
data-file-table can be more than 1.
Any suggestions?
First thing's first: Really great job with this project.
Now on to the painful bit:
I'm trying to re-initialize some datatables that have been destroyed after using [code]$("#table").replaceWith(data);[/code]
The "data" is html markup of a new table that comes from my server after a successful ajax request.
This is the bit that I use to initialize the table on load:
$(function() {
"bPaginate": false,
"sDom": 'lrt'
After I replace the HTML with the new data, I'd like the table to re-initialize automatically. I'm using RoR and I'm all about unobtrusive javascript and DRY approach. Is there a way similar to jQuery's $("el").on(event, el, fn) to keep an eye on the $("#table") element and re-initialize it as soon as it get's re-written?
Full code:
$(function() {
"bPaginate": false,
"sDom": 'lrt'
$("#bigdiv").on("ajax:beforeSend", "a[data-refresher]", function(evt, xhr, settings) {
.on("ajax:success", "a[data-refresher]", function(evt, data, status, xhr) {
data-file-table can be more than 1.
Any suggestions?
This discussion has been closed.