fnGetNodes() and fixed columns with the serialize example (not working)

fnGetNodes() and fixed columns with the serialize example (not working)

andiesdenandiesden Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited October 2012 in DataTables 1.9
hi Allan,
first of all ill thank u for this great plugin ,
i have been using this for a bit of time now i have learn t a lot and fell there's scope for more.
my application asp.net web forms based and the requirement was,table should be editable always ,the user can change any field (text ,drop down etc) and hit save button to save the data to server.(the table has 28 columns and i have provided horizontal scroll through datatable API )
till now that was not a problem as i used .map() method of jquery to parse through all the rows of the table read all the input fields and create a json which is then sent to a service through ajax .
But now the users wants 3 left most columns to be fixed ,when i fix them the datatable convert the table into two different tables (left one is fixed and right one is scrollable )thus mapping through them is no more an option .
then i tried the API's function "fnGetNodes()" with jquery's serialize but this also serializes only non-fixed columns fields and not the fixed column fields.
i hope u can suggest some thing
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