Tabletools returns [object HTMLInputElement] for each row in oParams rather than name and values.

Tabletools returns [object HTMLInputElement] for each row in oParams rather than name and values.

TrevorTrevor Posts: 31Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited October 2012 in TableTools
Alright, I'm banging my head against another wall. When I use Table tools to download the results of a given search the following is returned for what seems to be each row in aoPost: [object HTMLInputElement]. I'm sure I'm simply missing something. I just set aoPost to oParams so all of the params would be sent. Any help would be appreciated!

Example here:

I'm initializing table tools as follows:
"oTableTools": {
"aButtons": [ {
"sExtends": "download",
"sButtonText": "Download XLS",
"sUrl": "get_data_csv.php"
} ]

Adding the following button:
[code] = {
"sAction": "text",
"sTag": "default",
"sFieldBoundary": "",
"sFieldSeperator": "\t",
"sNewLine": "
"sToolTip": "",
"sButtonClass": "DTTT_button_text",
"sButtonClassHover": "DTTT_button_text_hover",
"sButtonText": "Download",
"mColumns": "all",
"bHeader": true,
"bFooter": true,
"sDiv": "",
"fnMouseover": null,
"fnMouseout": null,
"fnClick": function( nButton, oConfig ) {
var oParams = this.s.dt.oApi._fnAjaxParameters( this.s.dt );

var aoPost = oParams;
var aoGet = [];
/* Create an IFrame to do the request */
nIFrame = document.createElement('iframe');
nIFrame.setAttribute( 'id', 'RemotingIFrame' );'0px';'0px';'0px';

document.body.appendChild( nIFrame );
var nContentWindow = nIFrame.contentWindow;;

var nForm = nContentWindow.document.createElement( 'form' );
nForm.setAttribute( 'method', 'post' );

/* Add POST data */
for ( var i=0 ; i


  • TrevorTrevor Posts: 31Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Update, when I manually set the parameters for aoPost, I get the same thing; once for each pair of parameters I've set.
  • allanallan Posts: 64,121Questions: 1Answers: 10,578 Site admin
    > document.write(nInput);

    That looks dodgy to me - you are trying to write an object to the document. The plug-in on the TableTools plug-in page uses: `nForm.appendChild( nInput );` instead. Have you tried that?

  • allanallan Posts: 64,121Questions: 1Answers: 10,578 Site admin
    Link to plug-ins page:
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