sAjaxSource-file with multiple access at the same time
sAjaxSource-file with multiple access at the same time

Hi everyone, I really like datatables and all the stuff you can easily do with it, but now I have a question on which I need support with.
In my Programm, users search for different stuff. Because its a big database I decided to generate a json file with php and print the data from this file as sAjaxSource. Every request(e.g. new searchterm) on the search ends in a file that overrides this file. Normally this works perfect(when I'm testing it), but my question is, does this also works when there are more users try to find something coincident ? Should I add the session_id of the user to the json-file, just to make sure that there are no Problems when two or more people coincident try to make a search request ?
In my Programm, users search for different stuff. Because its a big database I decided to generate a json file with php and print the data from this file as sAjaxSource. Every request(e.g. new searchterm) on the search ends in a file that overrides this file. Normally this works perfect(when I'm testing it), but my question is, does this also works when there are more users try to find something coincident ? Should I add the session_id of the user to the json-file, just to make sure that there are no Problems when two or more people coincident try to make a search request ?
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