Reset table data from source?

Reset table data from source?

bEEf732bEEf732 Posts: 6Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited October 2012 in General
Hello all,

I have looked for awhile on a way to do this and have gotten most of the pieces together except for this last part. I am storing an object with each row like in this tutorial:

That works great. However, I am now trying to have the table 'refresh' its data based on whats in these stored objects. To do this, I have configured mData to set the source values based on the object in the row, as well as pull the data from the object based on how it should be sorted and filtered for each column and I am using mRender to update certain cell background colors based on the content of them. However, I was wondering if there is a function or strategy that i can use to recall all the set methods and everything like when data is originally added.

The whole intention behind this is so that I dont have to pass data from my models to my table controller. I would just to just be able to refresh the table and have it update by looking at all the object references.



  • bEEf732bEEf732 Posts: 6Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Also, I'm just realizing that mRender does not get a reference to the tr dom element as I expected. How can I get a reference to the td dom element for making display changes? Or is fnCreatedCell called everytime the cell is changed?
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