how to pass a search parameter after form reloads

how to pass a search parameter after form reloads

JerrysJerrys Posts: 13Questions: 2Answers: 0
edited October 2012 in General

I'd like to make that:

I have a data table (I use a server side processing) which one column hava a link for edit some data on the row, it's opened in shadow box, there I could edit some data and then submit it. Then datatable reloaded. And I saw a editet result.

But I need that it would be -

Open page with datables, write a search text in to search box, it's filtered me data, then I press edit link, opens shadow box with a form, where I can make a edit, then I press submit button, the data table reloads, but the serch text in the search box leaves ( I mean that filtering stay the same before I make a submit).

May bee some could help me with this?

Thank you


  • JerrysJerrys Posts: 13Questions: 2Answers: 0
    edited October 2012
    how to reload the datatabele, after shadowbox close, and still keep search, sorting options?
  • JerrysJerrys Posts: 13Questions: 2Answers: 0
    I found a solution in update processing file should use this scripts:


    echo("parent.$('#example').dataTable().fnDraw(); ");

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