Event handling with server side processing

Event handling with server side processing

PhilGPhilG Posts: 8Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited November 2012 in General
I have a large amount of data to display in a row, and as such I'm paging the data on the server side and then sending the paged results to the datatable via Ajax. The good news: the page loads correctly with the first page of data. The bad news: clicking next or changing the page size causes the "Processing..." window to appear and nothing else happens.

I've checked that the server is correctly receiving the Ajax requests. For example, clicking the "Next" button sends a request with the correct iDisplayStart parameters and changing the page size sends the correct iDisplayLength parameter. The resulting table data is generated in a similar fashion to when the table was first loaded.

I guess I'm missing some step to signal to the DataTable that it can safely dismiss the "Processing..." window?


  • PhilGPhilG Posts: 8Questions: 0Answers: 0
    sEcho was not being set correctly. I was hard coding it to "1" when it should match the sEcho parameter sent by the table.

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