[Warning] Unexpected number of TD elements.
[Warning] Unexpected number of TD elements.

"Datatable doesn't support rowspan/colspan in the table body"
I tried 1.6.1 version on a html table which runs perfectly with datatable 1.6.0
The only particularity of my html table is that it contains 2 rows in the thead and a cell contains a rowspan.
Somebody has an idea ?
"Datatable doesn't support rowspan/colspan in the table body"
I tried 1.6.1 version on a html table which runs perfectly with datatable 1.6.0
The only particularity of my html table is that it contains 2 rows in the thead and a cell contains a rowspan.
Somebody has an idea ?
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I think you answered your own question there :-). You mention that you have a rowspan, which, as the error says, is not supported in DataTables (in tbody - it should work fine in thead/tfoot). I added this warning in to 1.6.1, because it could give very unpredictable results if this condition was ignored (i.e. there are actually less TD elements that DataTables thinks there are, which is a row x column count). It's possible that you were 'getting away with it' with 1.6.0 - but it would have likely broken eventually. Sorry... but I think you'll need to remove the rowspan to use 1.6.1 and up.
i didn't answer at my question. I thought that wasn't a problem to use rowspan and colspan for element.
You says : "it should work fine in thead/tfoot"
I use rowspan/colspan in thead.
See my piece of code :
Grand titre
Grand titre2
This example shows how DataTables expects col/row spans to be used in the header: http://datatables.net/examples/advanced_init/complex_header.html . The reason for this requirement is mainly to do with the sorting - if you click of a column header which is 'colspan' - which column does it apply to!? As such, DataTables is actually only detecting three columns from your header, but eight in your table's body - hence the trouble.
It might be possible in the long run to make DataTables accept this behaviour and see the colspans - and when sorting just sort on the first column. Something to think about for a future version I think.
Quite surprised this worked at all in any version of DataTables actually :-)
i don't know if i understood your explication. I saw also your example.
Ok, i can't click on a "colspan" th (not a sort button). Then, you say "DataTables is actually only detecting three columns from your header, but eight in your table's body - hence the trouble."
In your example, i see in the code 3 th in the thead and 5 td in the tbody.
datatables must have a problem.
I begin with this plugin.
Thanks for your help.
Why not have the sorting treat the spanned columns as a single unit? Essentially, clicking on the th would "automatically" select all the associated columns as a group. It would be no different than a user selecting col1 then col2 then colx for however many cols were spanned.
Ahh, but in the example above, there are two TRs in the THEAD, and I think that is where the confusion could be. The top TR could be mapped to the lower one, but that introduces a need to declare a "primary" TR in the THEAD. I suppose as long as all the TRs can be aligned, then it shouldn't be impossible to do a mapping, but ugh.
@Mithrus: I fully agree. What I would propose in that situation is that the 'child columns' (for lack of a better phrase) would be multi-column sorted by DataTables. Of course the fun begins if the TR elements are swapped around in my example - that would be a confusing interaction (and a confusing table in general!). I really hope to build up a much stronger colspan / rowspan support in future versions of DataTables - the real trick is getting them to work in the body...
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I don't see the difference with my example.
2 tr in the thead (my example, 2)
use colspan and rowspan in the thead.
5 td in the tbody (my example, 8).
You say : "Each column has it's own unique cell which can be clicked on (the middle three are on the second row)"
For my example :
[code]Grand titre[/code] is associated with :
Sorry - I think we might have crossed wires a bit, and I got a bit confused! Yes, your header does look to be perfectly valid. So the error suggests that your tbody doesn't have rows * 9 (the columns) cells. If you validate the HTML - does it show any errors. Can you post a link to an example please?
thanks for your investment.
I put down a zip file on http://dl.free.fr/thvMcdyte
You will have an error message on the run of this code.
Thanks in advance Allan.
Yup - your HTML table isn't "valid" (I quote that, because the w3c validator says it is...). You've got 9 columns in the header (4 + 4 + 1), but 10 in the table body (i.e. 10 TD elements in each TR). This is what is causing the problem. Specifically the column: "Saisie" doesn't have a header.
i put in comment "a" in the THEAD.
I've got 10 columns in the header (4 + 4 + 1 + 1) and 10 in the TBODY (i.e. 10 TD elements in each TR in TBODY).
However, i have always the same error message.
@jaylward: I'm not sure I see what the problem is with hidden details row (I'm just not sure what your use case is). Could you possibly open a new thread with information about that, including an example please?
Full Description:
This code works OK in Firefox and Safari etc, but not in IE ... now.
Any ideas?
Kind regards
Code works fine in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari.
The same problem was in version 1.5.6 and 1.6.1(here with warning)
Thank you.
P.S. problem was found. probably will help to somebody:
I initialize dataTables with aoColumns property:
"aoColumns": [
{"bSearchable": false, "bSortable": false},
{"bSearchable": true, "bSortable": true},
where was "," after the last value. And that cause problem in IE.
If i had been more attentive, i wouldn't have you done to waste your time.
My definition aocolumns was bad as you said it.
Now, the code runs.
For sbabych, yes, "," at the end of a declaration is a problem for IE, it's true.
Thanks for all Allan, your help, your investment et continues to develop this wonderful plugin, it's indispensable.
The alert "Unexpected number of TD elements" will also popup when you define an aoColumns array and number of elements is not equal to table's columns.
In previous versions of Datatables, when the number of elements in aoColumns array was less than the number of columns, columns that have not been described in an array simply could not be sorted (and, perhaps, could not be sorted). This behavior was quite expected and logical, and in the current version and it has remained the same, except the alert.
What do you think about removing the alert in this case? Or it's better for me to pre-calculate the number of columns before initializing Datatables?
Best regards,
Actually, I would argue that the previous behaviour was wrong! You note that the other columns couldn't be sorted (and probably not filtered either) - which is wrong, and probably unexpected behaviour for the development. I think with the new interaction, DataTables is doing stronger checking, and therefore catching this particular configuration error. I don't really see any advantage to not showing this error (unless I'm missing something!).
Having said that, I do acknowledge that it is a bit annoying sometimes to know in advance exactly how many columns are in the table. One way around this might be to define your array before hand:
var a = [];
a[1] = {...};
for example. But I'll have a think about how this might be improved in future.
Edit - actually - that's probably no good either. scrap that :-). The .length property would not give what is expected. perhaps var a = array( 5 ); would... but then you know the number of columns! I'll keep thinking...
An extra comma after the last entry in my "aoColumns" array was provoking my error message (but only in Internet Explorer):
DataTables warning: Unexpected number of TD elements. Expected 280 and got 336. DataTables does not support rowspan / colspan in the table body, and there must be one cell for each row/column combination.
Removing the errant comma from the aoColumns {} brackets solved the problem. A warning to those who copy/pasted column options like I did...
What a great plug-in, and a great forum to support it! Thanks!
In my case when logging into the page there is an additional column which then causes this error to be thrown.
If I add the extra line it works when logged in, but when logging out it throws the error due to too many columns.
Oh well, easy fix is to use php/asp to run a quick test to see if logged in, if so - echo out the extra column needed in aoColumns, else it doesn't show up.
oTable = $('#example').dataTable( {
"aoColumns": [
{ "bSortable": false },
null, null, null, null, null
"aaSorting": [[1, 'asc']]
Product Name
oTable = $('#productsTable').dataTable({
"aaSorting": [[ 1, "asc" ]],
"aoColumns": [
{"bSearchable": true, "bSortable": true},
{"bSearchable": true, "bSortable": true},
{"bSearchable": true, "bSortable": true},
{"bSearchable": true, "bSortable": true},
"bJQueryUI": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers"
Any help would be greatly appreciated.