Datatables stops loading new pages
Datatables stops loading new pages

I have a datatable overlaid on a with 500 rows, 4 columns + a details/expander column as detailed in the example here:
Everything seems to work fine - sorting, filtering/searching, pagination.
Despite having the details/expander column, Im not clicking on the expand .
If I change the number of rows to display from 10 to 25 (or 50), and then page forwards a couple of pages, the table contents stops updating. Switching the number of rows to display back to 10 makes things work again.
I tried to reproduce this on the datatables live site, but could not reproduce. Im using jQuery v1.8.3 (Datatables 1.9.4 looks to ship with jQ 1.8.2).
If I reduce the number of data rows to 200 there is no change in behavior - 10 row pages work fine, 25 row pages do not update.
In all cases, the footer updates correctly (e.g. Showing 101 to 125 of 200 entries)
Nothing noticed in the console/JS inspector
Any suggestions on things to look at?
I just came across the awesome debug bookmarklet - I uploaded: otofif (this is without all the additional markup being generated inline)
I tried this on Chrome and Firefox (Mac OS X 10.8.2)
Everything seems to work fine - sorting, filtering/searching, pagination.
Despite having the details/expander column, Im not clicking on the expand .
If I change the number of rows to display from 10 to 25 (or 50), and then page forwards a couple of pages, the table contents stops updating. Switching the number of rows to display back to 10 makes things work again.
I tried to reproduce this on the datatables live site, but could not reproduce. Im using jQuery v1.8.3 (Datatables 1.9.4 looks to ship with jQ 1.8.2).
If I reduce the number of data rows to 200 there is no change in behavior - 10 row pages work fine, 25 row pages do not update.
In all cases, the footer updates correctly (e.g. Showing 101 to 125 of 200 entries)
Nothing noticed in the console/JS inspector
Any suggestions on things to look at?
I just came across the awesome debug bookmarklet - I uploaded: otofif (this is without all the additional markup being generated inline)
I tried this on Chrome and Firefox (Mac OS X 10.8.2)
This discussion has been closed.
2. Change row numbers to display 25
3. Hit 'Next' page button
footer toolbar updates, but data in table does not update. Repeated paging doesnt change data displayed.
4. Click on any column to sort.
5. Paging now works fine, and I can change freely between 10/25/50/100 rows without any problems, and paging works