Error: 'length' is null or not an object aData.length

Error: 'length' is null or not an object aData.length

shooricshooric Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited November 2012 in DataTables 1.9
i am trying to load the datatable using ajax with a asmx service.
i successful get json back from the server,
but when datatable js calls its internal _fnGetObjectDataFn ,
"data" is null and im assuming it should be an empty array.

at code below
return function (data, type)
return data[mSource]; // mSource is aaData

the result is my datatable does not bind and a js error of "error: 'length' is null or not an object "

any help would great, been stuck on this for 3 days

so, when the call is made to add data i get
var aData = (oSettings.sAjaxDataProp !== "") ?
_fnGetObjectDataFn(oSettings.sAjaxDataProp)(json) : json;

/* Got the data - add it to the table */
for (i = 0; i < aData.length; i++)
_fnAddData(oSettings, aData[i]);

this is my service
public string GetEvents123()
string a = "{'sEcho': 1,'iTotalRecords': 2,'iTotalDisplayRecords': 2,'aaData':[['01/01/2001','valueone','new york'],['01/02/2002','valueTwo','new jersey']]}";

return a;

this my data table
'bPaginate': false,
'bInfo': false,
'bFilter': false,
"bProcessing": true,
'bServerSide': false,
'sAjaxSource': 'CalendarServiceView.asmx/GetEvents123',
"fnServerData": function (sUrl, aoData, fnCallback, oSettings)
var jsonData = {};
$.each(aoData, function (i, o)
jsonData[] = o.value;

oSettings.jqXHR = $.ajax({
"url": sUrl,
"data": JSON.stringify(jsonData),
"type": "post",
"contentType": "application/json; charset=utf-8",
"dataType": "json",
"cache": false,
"async": true,
"error": function (xhr, status, error)
if (error == "parsererror")
oSettings.oApi._fnLog(oSettings, 0, "DataTables warning: JSON data from " + "server could not be parsed. This is caused by a JSON formatting error.");
"success": function (json)
$(oSettings.oInstance).trigger('xhr', oSettings);

'aoColumns': [{ 'mDataProp': 'date' }, { 'mDataProp': 'event' }, { 'mDataProp': 'location'}]


  • shooricshooric Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
    well, shortly after i figuared out that i need to be passing a object with a property aaData that is an array;
    and not json.
  • allanallan Posts: 63,731Questions: 1Answers: 10,508 Site admin
    edited November 2012
    You can use sAjaxDataProp and set it to an empty string to use an array of objects / arrays.

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