Server-side/MS SQL question
Server-side/MS SQL question
Hey guys, i need a bit of help getting my server-side-processing code working. Ill start out by saying im new to DataTables, as well as the programming field in general so please pardon me if my questions are REALLY dumb :) So my current task at work is making a web interface to view/edit data from our server. Its a MS SQL server and they are having me use DataTables for the web end. So far ive gotten it so that it reads and displays correctly. Right now I am trying to implement it so that it sends back the add/delete/edit commands correctly but after a couple weeks of working on it and reading on here, have had 0 luck. Here is my current code:
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="form" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fn" uri=""%>
<%@ page session="false" %>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#demo').html( '' );
var editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
"ajaxUrl": "dataTable/edit",
"domTable": "#example",
"fields": [ {"label": "ID:","name": "id"},
{"label": "Version:", "name": "version" },
{"label": "Name:", "name": "name" },
{"label": "Application Name:", "name": "applicationName" },
{"label": "Application Version:", "name": "applicationVersion" },
{"label": "Availability:", "name": "availability" },
{"label": "Baseline Load:", "name": "baselineLoad" },
{"label": "Color", "name": "color"},
{"label": "Implementation ID", "name": "implementationId"},
{"label": "Quantity", "name": "quantity"},
{"label": "Label", "name": "label"},
{"label": "Location", "name": "location"},
{"label": "Application Owner", "name": "applicationOwner"},
{"label": "Architecture Owner", "name": "architectureOwner"},
{"label": "Data Owner", "name": "dataOwner"},
{"label": "Is Ola Agreed?", "name": "isOlaAgreed"},
{"label": "Is Recognized", "name": "isRecognized"},
{"label": "Is Strategic", "name": "isStrategic"},
{"label": "Resolved Time UTC", "name": "resolvedTimeUtc"}
} );
$('#example').dataTable( {
"bJQueryUI": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"iDisplayLength": 5,
"sDom": 'T<"H"fl>t<"F"ip>',
"sAjaxSource": 'dataTable/getData',
"aoColumns": [
{ "mData": "id", "sTitle": "ID" },
{ "mData": "version", "sTitle":"Version" },
{ "mData": "name", "sTitle": "Name" },
{ "mData": "applicationName", "sTitle": "Application Name" },
{ "mData": "applicationVersion", "sTitle": "Application Version" },
{ "mData": "availability", "sTitle": "Avaliblity" },
{ "mData": "baselineLoad", "sTitle": "Baseline Load"},
{ "mData": "color", "sTitle": "Color"},
{ "mData": "implementationId", "sTitle": "Implementation ID"},
{ "mData": "quantity", "sTitle": "Quantity" },
{ "mData": "label", "sTitle": "Label" },
{ "mData": "location", "sTitle": "Location" },
{ "mData": "applicationOwner", "sTitle": "Application Owner" },
{ "mData": "architectureOwner", "sTitle": "Architecture Owner" },
{ "mData": "dataOwner", "sTitle": "Data Owner" },
{ "mData": "olaAgreed", "sTitle": "Is OLA Agreed" },
{ "mData": "recognized", "sTitle": "Is Recognized?" },
{ "mData": "strategic", "sTitle": "Is Strategic?" },
{ "mData": "resolvedTimeUTC", "sTitle": "Resolved Time UTC" },
"oTableTools": {
"sRowSelect": "multi",
"aButtons": [
{ "sExtends": "editor_create", "editor": editor },
{ "sExtends": "editor_edit", "editor": editor },
{ "sExtends": "editor_remove", "editor": editor }
} );
Now based on everything I've read and had told to me, i need to put in [code] bServerSide: true, sServerMethod: 'POST' [/code] problem right now is how my work had me set this up i use [code] "sAjaxSource": 'dataTable/getData', [/code] not a PHP file. According to the examples on here ( I need to use a PHP file. Now first off i cant quite tell if the section of PHP posted in the example is supposed to be the entire code, or just added to a pre-existing Server_processing.php file. Now either not sure how to combine having to use a PHP with our /getData method.....
Anyone with any clues on what i could try?
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" pageEncoding="ISO-8859-1"%>
<%@ taglib prefix="form" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
<%@ taglib prefix="fn" uri=""%>
<%@ page session="false" %>
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#demo').html( '' );
var editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
"ajaxUrl": "dataTable/edit",
"domTable": "#example",
"fields": [ {"label": "ID:","name": "id"},
{"label": "Version:", "name": "version" },
{"label": "Name:", "name": "name" },
{"label": "Application Name:", "name": "applicationName" },
{"label": "Application Version:", "name": "applicationVersion" },
{"label": "Availability:", "name": "availability" },
{"label": "Baseline Load:", "name": "baselineLoad" },
{"label": "Color", "name": "color"},
{"label": "Implementation ID", "name": "implementationId"},
{"label": "Quantity", "name": "quantity"},
{"label": "Label", "name": "label"},
{"label": "Location", "name": "location"},
{"label": "Application Owner", "name": "applicationOwner"},
{"label": "Architecture Owner", "name": "architectureOwner"},
{"label": "Data Owner", "name": "dataOwner"},
{"label": "Is Ola Agreed?", "name": "isOlaAgreed"},
{"label": "Is Recognized", "name": "isRecognized"},
{"label": "Is Strategic", "name": "isStrategic"},
{"label": "Resolved Time UTC", "name": "resolvedTimeUtc"}
} );
$('#example').dataTable( {
"bJQueryUI": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"iDisplayLength": 5,
"sDom": 'T<"H"fl>t<"F"ip>',
"sAjaxSource": 'dataTable/getData',
"aoColumns": [
{ "mData": "id", "sTitle": "ID" },
{ "mData": "version", "sTitle":"Version" },
{ "mData": "name", "sTitle": "Name" },
{ "mData": "applicationName", "sTitle": "Application Name" },
{ "mData": "applicationVersion", "sTitle": "Application Version" },
{ "mData": "availability", "sTitle": "Avaliblity" },
{ "mData": "baselineLoad", "sTitle": "Baseline Load"},
{ "mData": "color", "sTitle": "Color"},
{ "mData": "implementationId", "sTitle": "Implementation ID"},
{ "mData": "quantity", "sTitle": "Quantity" },
{ "mData": "label", "sTitle": "Label" },
{ "mData": "location", "sTitle": "Location" },
{ "mData": "applicationOwner", "sTitle": "Application Owner" },
{ "mData": "architectureOwner", "sTitle": "Architecture Owner" },
{ "mData": "dataOwner", "sTitle": "Data Owner" },
{ "mData": "olaAgreed", "sTitle": "Is OLA Agreed" },
{ "mData": "recognized", "sTitle": "Is Recognized?" },
{ "mData": "strategic", "sTitle": "Is Strategic?" },
{ "mData": "resolvedTimeUTC", "sTitle": "Resolved Time UTC" },
"oTableTools": {
"sRowSelect": "multi",
"aButtons": [
{ "sExtends": "editor_create", "editor": editor },
{ "sExtends": "editor_edit", "editor": editor },
{ "sExtends": "editor_remove", "editor": editor }
} );
Now based on everything I've read and had told to me, i need to put in [code] bServerSide: true, sServerMethod: 'POST' [/code] problem right now is how my work had me set this up i use [code] "sAjaxSource": 'dataTable/getData', [/code] not a PHP file. According to the examples on here ( I need to use a PHP file. Now first off i cant quite tell if the section of PHP posted in the example is supposed to be the entire code, or just added to a pre-existing Server_processing.php file. Now either not sure how to combine having to use a PHP with our /getData method.....
Anyone with any clues on what i could try?
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