Horizontal Scrollbars at top & bottom?
Horizontal Scrollbars at top & bottom?

For a larger table (25 rows) which overflows then it would be better to have a horizontal scrollbar at the top & bottom of the table.
There is a jQuery plugin to do this (https://github.com/sniku/jQuery-doubleScroll) however by default it doesn't play nicely with dataTables.
Would be great to have a dataTables plugin to do this nicely.
Funding might be available if we can get an estimate on how much this would cost.
Many thanks,
There is a jQuery plugin to do this (https://github.com/sniku/jQuery-doubleScroll) however by default it doesn't play nicely with dataTables.
Would be great to have a dataTables plugin to do this nicely.
Funding might be available if we can get an estimate on how much this would cost.
Many thanks,
This discussion has been closed.
do you have news about this interesting missing feature in DataTables ?
I tried with jQuery-doubleScroll but was not able to get it work (jQuery-1.8.3, DataTables-1.9.4, jquery-ui-1.9.2, ColVis-1.0.8)
@Fran - sorry I missed your message back in January!
I have removed the code for the horizontal bar on top because it didn't work, and did not produce any error/warning messages.