API : fnPrint documentation wrong
API : fnPrint documentation wrong

At http://datatables.net/extras/tabletools/api
Under "fnPrint" we can read:
2. object - Configuration for the print view (parameters are bShowAll - show all rows in the table if true, sInfo, information message displayed as an overlay, and sInfo, HTML string to show that the top of the document - will be included in the printed document.
Obviously, the configuration object can't have two "sInfo" property.
It should read "sMessage" instead of "sInfo".
object - Configuration for the print view (parameters are bShowAll - show all rows in the table if true, sInfo, information message displayed as an overlay, and sMessage, HTML string to show that the top of the document - will be included in the printed document.
Suggestion, remove some commas and add some periods. Clearer.
object - Configuration for the print view (parameters are: bShowAll - show all rows in the table if true. sInfo - information message displayed as an overlay. sMessage - HTML string to show that the top of the document - will be included in the printed document.)
Under "fnPrint" we can read:
2. object - Configuration for the print view (parameters are bShowAll - show all rows in the table if true, sInfo, information message displayed as an overlay, and sInfo, HTML string to show that the top of the document - will be included in the printed document.
Obviously, the configuration object can't have two "sInfo" property.
It should read "sMessage" instead of "sInfo".
object - Configuration for the print view (parameters are bShowAll - show all rows in the table if true, sInfo, information message displayed as an overlay, and sMessage, HTML string to show that the top of the document - will be included in the printed document.
Suggestion, remove some commas and add some periods. Clearer.
object - Configuration for the print view (parameters are: bShowAll - show all rows in the table if true. sInfo - information message displayed as an overlay. sMessage - HTML string to show that the top of the document - will be included in the printed document.)
This discussion has been closed.
I really need to update TableTools to use JSDoc comments at some point. Planning on doing it alongside TableTools v3.