Quotes in sSearch parameter are converted to "e; in filter field
Quotes in sSearch parameter are converted to "e; in filter field

Here is LIVE example - filtering is working just fine, but filter field is messed up
My table debug info, but it should not be needed in this case - http://debug.datatables.net/obosek
In 1.9.4 source there is row 2095, which is causing it. I tried to comment out replace part and everything seemed to work, but maybe I am missing something.
[code]jqFilter.val( oPreviousSearch.sSearch.replace('"','"') );[/code]
Keep up the good work!
My table debug info, but it should not be needed in this case - http://debug.datatables.net/obosek
In 1.9.4 source there is row 2095, which is causing it. I tried to comment out replace part and everything seemed to work, but maybe I am missing something.
[code]jqFilter.val( oPreviousSearch.sSearch.replace('"','"') );[/code]
Keep up the good work!
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