Improvements on server side answer parse
Improvements on server side answer parse

Is it possible to make each column value also an object (like row) for add a custom options like attributes, classes, ids and etc.
for example i render with HTML5 data attributes for additional handling events of my Application ,
ang it will be perfect if i can render for example ;
for example i render with HTML5 data attributes for additional handling events of my Application ,
ang it will be perfect if i can render for example ;
This discussion has been closed.
Yes it would be possible to change DataTables to add attributes based on the object (a bit like how `DT_RowId` and `DT_RowClass` works), but it would be less flexible, used not very often and add more weight to DataTables. So until this is a feature request that shows it would add a lot to the capabilities of DataTables, fnCreatedCell is the way to do this :-)