Troubles using fnUpdate after filtering with fnFilter

Troubles using fnUpdate after filtering with fnFilter

imacimac Posts: 19Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited March 2013 in General
fnUpdate doesn't work in a proper way after a filtering.

After using a filter, like this for example:
tablePlugin.fnFilter('yes', 19);

Once the table is updated showing the filtered results, I try to do an fnUpdate like this for example:
tablePlugin.fnUpdate('', 4, 3);

And instead of updating the column number 3 for the row number 4 OF THE FILTERING RESULTS, what it does is updating the row number 4 of the NON FILTERED TABLE.

Is there any way to avoid this undesirable behavior?
I am currently getting the current row and column with my own function which returns me the selected row of the current table. Is there a way to get the real row of the non filtered table with any datatables function?

I have tried the function fnGetPositions but I don't get it working. Javascript console show this error:
[quote]Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'toUpperCase' of undefined [/quote]

The line is the following:

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