custom filtering that only starts with the first letter of the query based on highlighted column

custom filtering that only starts with the first letter of the query based on highlighted column

bonbonlangesbonbonlanges Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited March 2013 in General

before my question, i'd like to tell you guys that this plugin is a really, really really really great plugin. hehe!

my question..

is there a way where i can just type into the filter box, but the way it works would be..
if I started with the letters "ap", only the rows that have some cells starting with the letters "ap" would appear?

and if that is possible, is it also possible that i can narrow results by something like..
it will only display rows containing cells that start with "ap", but only if it is under the currently selected column?

i've found a recent forum post regarding this issue that has taken apple and banana as example strings, but its already closed.

i wonder if there's a function where i can just add in the configuration something like this: "filterType": "start"/"contains"/"end" without having to resort to regex and should add extra keypress event handlers in order to explicitly tell the script that it should specifically filter the results based on a given string?

thanks a lot!
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