Problem when single record returned

Problem when single record returned

chadbartelschadbartels Posts: 1Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited April 2013 in DataTables 1.9
I couldn't find an answer to my particular problem but basically, dataTables seems to be puking when my service call returns only one record. I see the JSON response to the request and it looks valid to me.

{"iTotalRecords":6,"iTotalDisplayRecords":1,"sEcho":9,"aaData":[["1/20/2013 7:00 PM","18225230","Test Data","Test","Test"]]}

But it gets stuck on Processing and doesn't redraw the table. Not sure what the culprit is for sure but if I console.log the return data when there is only a single record, nothing happens, otherwise I get the object output as expected.

Any ideas?
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