Requested unknown parameter 'xxx' from the data source for row 5

Requested unknown parameter 'xxx' from the data source for row 5

matthewjmatthewj Posts: 39Questions: 2Answers: 0
edited April 2013 in Editor
I am trying to edit a datatable row using editors Edit form. But I get the following alert after I click on save button: [below alert is caused while editing row 6]
DataTables warning (table id='hierlvl3list'): Requested unknown parameter 'lvlTitle' from the data source for row 5

After I click the Ok button in alert the row disappear. Interesting fact is that after I reload the page the changes are updated. Therefore I believe that there is some parameter which is missing after returning from edit screen.

I tried the datatables debugger, which I launched from my bookmark. But the debugger seems to be get stuck. It throws an error in the firebug console: HierarchyRequestError: Node cannot be inserted at the specified point in the hierarchy. The error is in line 13 of DT_Debug.js

Please let me know should you require further input to debug this.

Below is the html code:

<%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" %>
<%@ page pageEncoding="UTF-8" %>
<%@ page language="java" %>


@import "/js/jquery/ui/css/smoothness/jquery-ui.custom.css";
@import "/js/jquery/datatables/media/css/jquery.dataTables_themeroller.css";
@import "/js/jquery/datatables/extras/TableTools/media/css/TableTools_JUI.css";
@import "/js/jquery/datatables/extras/Editor/media/css/dataTables.editor.css";

div.clear {
clear: both;
div.DTTT_container {
float: right;
margin-bottom: 1em;
position: relative;
div.DTE_Footer_Content {
position: relative;

div.DTE_Form_Buttons {
float: right;

div.DTE_Form_Buttons button {
float: left;
margin: 0;

div.DTE_Form_Buttons {
border-radius: 0;
border-width: 1px 0;

div.DTE_Form_Buttons button.save_previous {
border-top-right-radius: 0;
border-bottom-right-radius: 0;
color: #444;

div.DTE_Form_Buttons button.save_next {
border-top-left-radius: 0;
border-bottom-left-radius: 0;
color: #444;

var editor; // use a global for the submit and return data rendering in the examples

$(document).ready(function() {

editor = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
"ajaxUrl": "/admin/hierarchy/hier_lvl3_list.html?orgid=${param.orgid}",
"domTable": "#hierlvl3list",
"fields": [ {
"label": "Title:",
"name": "lvlTitle"
"label": "Parent:",
"name": "",
"type": "select"

} );

var table = $('#hierlvl3list').dataTable( {

"sScrollY": "200px",
"bScrollCollapse": true,
"bPaginate": true,
"bJQueryUI": true,
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"sDom": '<"H"T<"clear">lfr>t<"F"ip>',
"sAjaxSource": "/admin/hierarchy/hier_lvl3_list.html?orgid=${param.orgid}",

"aoColumns": [
{ "mData": "lvlTitle" },
{ "mData": "pt.title" }

"oTableTools": {
"sRowSelect": "multi",
"aButtons": [
"select_all", "select_none",
{ "sExtends": "editor_create", "editor": editor },
"sExtends": "editor_edit",
"sButtonClass": "editor_edit",
"editor": editor,
"formButtons": [
"label": "<",
"className": "save_previous",
"fn": function (e) {
this.submit( function () {
var tt = window.TableTools.fnGetInstance('hierlvl3list');
var row = tt.fnGetSelected()[0];
var index = table.$('tr').index(row);

tt.fnDeselect( row );
tt.fnSelect( table.$('tr')[index-1] );
}, null, null, false );
"label": "Save",
"className": "save",
"fn": function (e) {
"label": ">",
"className": "save_next",
"fn": function (e) {
this.submit( function () {
var tt = window.TableTools.fnGetInstance('hierlvl3list');
var row = tt.fnGetSelected()[0];
var index = table.$('tr').index(row);

tt.fnDeselect( row );
tt.fnSelect( table.$('tr')[index+1] );
}, null, null, false );
{ "sExtends": "editor_remove", "editor": editor }

"fnInitComplete": function ( settings, json ) {
editor.field('').update( );

} );



JSON for building the datatable:

{"id":-1,"error":"","fieldErrors":[],"data":[],"aaData":[{"DT_RowId":"10009777","lvlTitle":"AA edited","pt":{"id":"103085","title":"sub 2"}},{"DT_RowId":"10009779","lvlTitle":"AAA","pt":{"id":"0","title":""}},{"DT_RowId":"10009767","lvlTitle":"dept 11","pt":{"id":"0","title":""}},{"DT_RowId":"10009768","lvlTitle":"dept 2","pt":{"id":"0","title":""}},{"DT_RowId":"10009769","lvlTitle":"dept 3","pt":{"id":"0","title":""}},{"DT_RowId":"10009770","lvlTitle":"dept 4","pt":{"id":"103085","title":"sub 2"}},{"DT_RowId":"10009771","lvlTitle":"dept 5","pt":{"id":"0","title":""}},{"DT_RowId":"10009772","lvlTitle":"dept 6","pt":{"id":"0","title":""}},{"DT_RowId":"10009773","lvlTitle":"dept 7","pt":{"id":"103084","title":"sub 11"}},{"DT_RowId":"10009774","lvlTitle":"dept 8","pt":{"id":"0","title":""}},{"DT_RowId":"10009775","lvlTitle":"dept 9","pt":{"id":"103084","title":"sub 11"}},{"DT_RowId":"10009776","lvlTitle":"dept10","pt":{"id":"103084","title":"sub 11"}},{"DT_RowId":"10009780","lvlTitle":"region 1","pt":{"id":"0","title":""}},{"DT_RowId":"10009781","lvlTitle":"region 2","pt":{"id":"103085","title":"sub 2"}}], "pt":[{"value":"0","label":"\u003cselect\u003e"},{"value":"103084","label":"sub 11"},{"value":"103085","label":"sub 2"}]}

JSON returned when row 6 is saved
{"id":"10009770","error":"","fieldErrors":[],"data":[],"row":[{"DT_RowId":"10009770","lvlTitle":"dept 4","pt":{"id":"103085","title":"sub 2"}}]}



  • allanallan Posts: 64,122Questions: 1Answers: 10,578 Site admin
    Interesting - it looks like it should be working from all the information you've give me above, so I'm not entirely sure why this is being triggered. Are you able to link me to the page you are working on so I can take a look and try to debug this problem? PM me if you would like to keep the address private.

  • matthewjmatthewj Posts: 39Questions: 2Answers: 0
    Hi Allan,

    Thanks for the reply. I have sent you the link in PM.

  • matthewjmatthewj Posts: 39Questions: 2Answers: 0
    Also please note that Bookmarklet doesn't work.
    jquery: 1.8.2
    datatable: 1.9.4
    editor: 1.2.3
    jquery ui: 1.10.1
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