Get value from field in Editor with button

Get value from field in Editor with button

dts1dts1 Posts: 22Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited April 2013 in Editor
I have create in editor 1 button with this :
$.fn.DataTable.Editor.fieldTypes.bt_ing = $.extend( true, {}, $.fn.DataTable.Editor.models.fieldType, {
"create": function ( conf ) {

// Create the elements to use for the input
conf._input = $(

$('#btnAdd', conf._input).click( function () {
var idfam = $('select', editor.node('iding')).val();
} );
return conf._input;
} );
It function and show well the button when I create or edit. But I want to get a value when I click but nothing !
In console.log, it says that 'editor' is not defined...
Is it possible to get a value from a field with specific field type ? How ?



  • allanallan Posts: 63,718Questions: 1Answers: 10,504 Site admin
    The variable `editor` typically would refer to a single instance, so that method wouldn't work with more than one form, even if you made the variable global.

    What you want to do is use your own plug-in value method to get the value for the current configuration. For example:

    var val = $.fn.DataTable.Editor.fieldTypes.bt_ing.get( conf );

  • dts1dts1 Posts: 22Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Thanks Allan,
    in fact, with this button I want to take the value from a field of the form, this field name is iding and is like this :
    $(document).ready(function() {
    var editor2 = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
    "ajaxUrl": "php/table.intra_produit_composition.php",
    "domTable": "#intra_produit_composition",
    "fields": [
    "label": "Ingrédient",
    "name": "iding", // value are from php/mysql database
    "type": "select"
    "label": "",
    "name": "bt_ing",
    "type": "bt_ing", // Using the custom field type
    "default": 0
    } );

  • allanallan Posts: 63,718Questions: 1Answers: 10,504 Site admin
    What does the code for your full field plug-in type look like?

  • dts1dts1 Posts: 22Questions: 0Answers: 0

    $.fn.DataTable.Editor.fieldTypes.bt_ing = $.extend( true, {}, $.fn.DataTable.Editor.models.fieldType, {
    "create": function ( conf ) {
    var that = this;

    // Create the elements to use for the input
    conf._input = $(

    $('#btnEdit', conf._input).click( function () {
    var idfam = $('select', editor2.node('iding')).val(); 'ing_fr' );
    } );
    return conf._input;
    } );

    $(document).ready(function() {
    var editor2 = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
    "ajaxUrl": "php/table.intra_produit_composition.php",
    "domTable": "#intra_produit_composition",
    "fields": [
    "label": "idprod",
    "name": "idprod",
    "type": "hidden",
    "default": "<?php echo $idprod; ?>"
    "label": "Ingrédient",
    "name": "iding",
    "type": "select"
    "label": "",
    "name": "bt_ing",
    "type": "bt_ing", // Using the custom field type
    "default": 0
    "label": "Nouvel Ingrédient",
    "name": "ing_fr",
    "type": "text"
    "label": "Texte sup.",
    "name": "divers",
    "type": "text"
    "label": "Valeur",
    "name": "valeur",
    "type": "text",
    "default": "0"
    "label": "Unité",
    "name": "idunite",
    "type": "select"
    "label": "Adjuvant",
    "name": "idadj",
    "type": "select"
    "label": "AJR France",
    "name": "ajr_fr",
    "type": "text",
    "default": "0"
    "label": "AJR Belge",
    "name": "ajr_be",
    "type": "text",
    "default": "0"

    "i18n": {
    "create": {
    "button": "Nouveau",
    "title": "Créer nouvelle entrée",
    "submit": "Créer"
    "edit": {
    "button": "Modifier",
    "title": "Modifier entrée",
    "submit": "Actualiser"
    "remove": {
    "button": "Supprimer",
    "title": "Supprimer",
    "submit": "Supprimer",
    "confirm": {
    "_": "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer %d lignes?",
    "1": "Etes-vous sûr de vouloir supprimer 1 ligne?"
    "error": {
    "system": "Une erreur s’est produite, contactez l’administrateur système"
    } );

    Is this what you want Allan ?

  • allanallan Posts: 63,718Questions: 1Answers: 10,504 Site admin
    Your field type plug-in doesn't have `get` and `set` methods - so it can't get and set a value for the field at all: .

  • dts1dts1 Posts: 22Questions: 0Answers: 0
    ok, but if I simply want that the button btnEdit show the field ing_fr ? In fact, I want that when I edit a line, I can chose an object from a select or if I want a new object (not present in the select), I click on btnEdit and it shows the field ing_fr (hide with the editor2.on( 'onInitEdit', function () {
    editor2.hide( 'ing_fr' );
    } );

  • allanallan Posts: 63,718Questions: 1Answers: 10,504 Site admin
    Do you mean editing individual fields, like shown here: ?

    What I'm saying is that your field type plug-in is currently incomplete.

  • dts1dts1 Posts: 22Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited April 2013
    No, when I add or edit a table, I want that if I click on a button in the form (not before), it shows a hidden field and put in that field the value of a select field in case of edit.

  • dts1dts1 Posts: 22Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Ok, I have found how to add a field on click on custom button, but now how to take the value of a select that is in the editor with a custom button in editor too ?

    Exemple : in editor, when I click on btnEdit, I want to alert what I have selected in field select iding.
    Possible ??

    $.fn.DataTable.Editor.fieldTypes.bt_ing = $.extend( true, {}, $.fn.DataTable.Editor.models.fieldType, {
    "create": function ( conf ) {
    var that = this;

    // Create the elements to use for the input
    conf._input = $(

    $('#btnEdit', conf._input).click( function () {
    value_selected = $('select[name=iding]').val();

    return conf._input;
    } );

    $(document).ready(function() {
    var editor2 = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
    "ajaxUrl": "php/table.intra_produit_composition.php",
    "domTable": "#intra_produit_composition",
    "fields": [
    "label": "Ingrédient",
    "name": "iding",
    "type": "select",
    "ipOpts": [
    { "label": "1 (highest)", "value": "1" },
    { "label": "2", "value": "2" },
    { "label": "3", "value": "3" },
    { "label": "4", "value": "4" },
    { "label": "5 (lowest)", "value": "5" }
    } );

  • allanallan Posts: 63,718Questions: 1Answers: 10,504 Site admin
    > I want to alert what I have selected in field select iding. Possible ??

    Certainly - use: `editor.get( '{field-name}' );` .

    However, are you saying you want to do it inside the field type plug-in? The field type plug-in doesn't know anything about the other fields - they have to be independent. If you want some kind of combinational logic between them, you need to do that where you initialise Editor, using the API.

  • dts1dts1 Posts: 22Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Yes Allan, I want to do this inside the field plug-in. How to make combinational logic between them ? How to call button click of this special field in editor ? I have tried :
    in the $(document).ready(function() {
    $('bt_ing', editor2.node('bting')).click( function () {
    console.log('test retour click bt_ing');
    } );
    but nothing in the console.

  • allanallan Posts: 63,718Questions: 1Answers: 10,504 Site admin
    Your code there looks almost correct to me, but the jQuery selector is looking for a tag witht he name `bt_ing` which won't exist. Do you want a class selector there?

    > $('.bt_ing', editor2.node('bting'))

    (note the `.` )

    Also, since it is a static event, it must be run after your Editor initialisation.

  • dts1dts1 Posts: 22Questions: 0Answers: 0
    edited April 2013
    Ok, but it return nothing...
    here is the full code :

    var editor2 = $.fn.DataTable.Editor;
    editor2.fieldTypes.bt_ing = $.extend( true, {}, editor2.models.fieldType, {
    "create": function ( conf ) {

    // Create the elements to use for the input
    conf._input = $(

    $('#btnSave', conf._input).click( function () {
    $('#ing_fr', conf._input).hide();
    $('#btnSave', conf._input).hide();
    value_ing = $('#ing_fr',conf._input ).val(); // Value I want to return in select iding

    /*Enregistrement du fichier*/
    var link = "php/_ing_save.php";
    url: link,
    type: "POST",
    async: false,
    data : 'ing='+value_ing,
    dataType: 'html',
    success: console.log(value_ing)
    /*Fin enregistrement*/
    return conf._input;
    } );

    With this, when I click on btnSave, I save my new ingredient in the database.

    $(document).ready(function() {
    var editor2 = new $.fn.dataTable.Editor( {
    "ajaxUrl": "php/table.intra_produit_composition.php",
    "domTable": "#intra_produit_composition",
    "fields": [
    "label": "Ingrédient",
    "name": "iding",
    "type": "select"
    "label": "",
    "name": "bting",
    "type": "bt_ing", // Using the custom field type
    "default": 0

    $('.bt_ing', editor2.node('bting')).click( function () {
    console.log(value_ing); // show the value type use field id ing_fr on custom field type
    } );

    It gives me nothing...

  • allanallan Posts: 63,718Questions: 1Answers: 10,504 Site admin
    OKay - thank you for posting your code.

    There isn't a `.bt_ing` class which is why it isn't working. I'm not exactly sure what you are trying to do with the code, but to get a click to occur on the first input element you would use:

    $('input:eq(0)', editor2.node('bting')).click( function

    The key thing to remember is that the `node()` method will return the Javascript node which contains the HTML that your plug-in creates. So you can use it in exactly the say way as you would do any other jQuery selector.

  • dts1dts1 Posts: 22Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Perfect, it works !! Thanks a lot Allan !
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