Requested unknown parameter '0' from the data error w/ empty data array - IE8 only minified

Requested unknown parameter '0' from the data error w/ empty data array - IE8 only minified

joshuasiegaljoshuasiegal Posts: 19Questions: 2Answers: 1
edited April 2013 in General
Okay, here's a weird one! I'm getting this error:

DataTables warning (table id = 'DataTables_Table_0'): Requested unknown parameter '0' from the data source for row 0

in dT 1.9.3, but only in IE8 and only in cases where I'm sending an empty array as aaData.

also, this is only happening in IE8

also, this is only happening with the *minified* version of the code.

Sorry I can't post a link, this is not a public site.

Here is my column mapping:

this.filesMap = [
{ oid:'dateUploaded', 'mDataProp':function(source,type,val) {
if (type=="sort") { return deNull(source.modified_time); }
return deNull(utils.RFCFormat(source.modified_time, true));
}, 'sTitle':'Modification Date' },
{ oid:'fileName', 'mDataProp':function(source,type,val) {
var theFolder = source['folder'].replace(/\\/g,'/');
var folderParent = (dType == 'order') ? 'adfolder' : 'campaignfolder' ;
var fileString = '/services/api.php/'+queryHash+'/files/'+folderParent+theFolder+'/'+source.file;
if (type=="sort") { return fileString; }
return ''+theFolder+'/'+source.file+'';
}, 'sTitle':'File Name' },
{ oid:'fileSize', 'mDataProp':function(source,type,val) {
if (type=="sort") {
return source['size_sort'];
return source['size'];
}, 'sTitle':'File Size', "sType" : "numeric" }

deNull is a method that checks for nulls and replaces them. (i know there's sDefaultContent as well)
utils.RFCFormat is a date formatter

However, from what I can tell, none of this even matters, b/c when I send an empty array at dataTables, it shouldn't even need to use mDataProp, it should just tell me that there's no data to display.

Which it does just fine in any browser other than IE8 - or when there's data to display - or when I'm using the unminified version of the same (1.9.3) library. This makes me suspect the IE8 JS engine a bit. I've even tried re-minifying the 1.9.3 source, no luck.

Any thoughts? Much thanks!


  • allanallan Posts: 63,201Questions: 1Answers: 10,414 Site admin
    Does it happen with 1.9.4? I'm afraid that without a test case, thee isn't really much we can do to help If you are able to replicate the issue on that would be very useful.

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