multiple Ajax calls to make a single table

multiple Ajax calls to make a single table

persboypersboy Posts: 2Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited May 2013 in DataTables 1.9
Hello Allan and everyone,

First I must say "thank you so much" for your efforts and creating such a lovely plugin. I am a systems engineer (Linux) and am doing codes for learning and fun of course!!! it means I am not experts like you so I am sorry if you find my question stupid.

And back to work ;)

Does anyone know if it's possible for DataTables 1.9 to draw a single table by using 2 Ajax calls, where, for example Ajax call 1 receives full table info from server-side script 1 but with 3 empty columns and after DataTables draws the table, Ajax call 2 calls script 2 and DataTable updates/re-draws the 3 empty columns using the newly received data from script 2?

The reason I need this is that if I want to fetch all the data at my first call it will take long as 3 of my columns are populated with calling another PHP script.

Thanks in advance


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