TableTools "Select/Deselect all" buttons are incompatible with '"bDeferRender": true'
TableTools "Select/Deselect all" buttons are incompatible with '"bDeferRender": true'

As Allan mentioned in this forum post (
[quote]deferred rendering is most certainly going to upset any selector, including the $ API method. The nodes haven't yet been created, so they can't possibly be selected - which is the whole point of how deferred rendering gets its speed boost :-).
So deferred rendering + the ability to select all rows are mutually incompatible.[/quote]
I didn't find this documented in the TableTools nor the DataTables "bDeferRender" documentation, however. It may be a good idea to update the documentation, so other users don't end up as confused as I was. ;)
Thank you for this superb tool, Allan.
[quote]deferred rendering is most certainly going to upset any selector, including the $ API method. The nodes haven't yet been created, so they can't possibly be selected - which is the whole point of how deferred rendering gets its speed boost :-).
So deferred rendering + the ability to select all rows are mutually incompatible.[/quote]
I didn't find this documented in the TableTools nor the DataTables "bDeferRender" documentation, however. It may be a good idea to update the documentation, so other users don't end up as confused as I was. ;)
Thank you for this superb tool, Allan.
This discussion has been closed.
Unless you guys plan to release a fix so TableTools selection works with aoData while TR nodes are not yet rendered.