Pagination current page not disabled
Pagination current page not disabled

I am using bootstrap pagination with datatables
if i have in page number "2" and then click on this button refresh this page.
i have display 100 record per page that's why it very load from server
but, Previous and next button is disbled.
if i have in page number "2" and then click on this button refresh this page.
i have display 100 record per page that's why it very load from server
but, Previous and next button is disbled.
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I am using bootstrap pagination with datatables
If I am in page number 4 and then click on button with number 4 then the page refreshes. I display 100 records per page and it causes load on the server. But, "Previous" and "Next" buttons are disabled. I want to also disable button with same number as the page I'm in (in this case, button for page 4)
which plug-in to modify if possible then give the changes