Performance issues
Performance issues
I need to know the best way to implement DataTable because I'm currently having performance issues using IE.
I need to have a good performance for about 10 000 - 15 000 records.
The data come from a text file that I need to process first. I then create an array that I pass to aaData.
I'm having some performance issues when I sort or use some filter on columns. I also have a "A script is running slowly" error. It also takes a bit of time to load the table.
Could anyone give me advice on how to increase my performance?
I need to have a good performance for about 10 000 - 15 000 records.
The data come from a text file that I need to process first. I then create an array that I pass to aaData.
I'm having some performance issues when I sort or use some filter on columns. I also have a "A script is running slowly" error. It also takes a bit of time to load the table.
Could anyone give me advice on how to increase my performance?
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Yes I already gone trough the speed FAQ. Here is what I got so far :
$('#demo').html('DateActionResult CodeCall DelayCommand DelayConfiguration NameCall ByGUIDDateActionResult CodeCall DelayCommand DelayConfiguration NameCall ByGUID');
/*Initialistaion du DataTable*/
oTable = $('#table_id').dataTable({
"aaData": eval(table),
"bJQueryUI": true,
"bDeferRender": true,
"bSortClasses": false,
"aoColumns": [
/* Date */null,
/* action */null,
/* Result */null,
/* CallDelay */null,
/* CommandeDelay */null,
/* ConfigName */null,
/* CallBy */null,
/* GUID */{"bVisible": false }
sPlaceHolder: "head:after",
"aoColumns": [
{ type: "date-range", sRangeFormat: "Between {from} and {to}" },
{ type: "select", values: $('#table_id').dataTable().fnGetColumnData(1) },
{ type: "select", values: $('#table_id').dataTable().fnGetColumnData(2) },
{ type: "number-range", sRangeFormat: "Between {from} and {to}" },
{ type: "number-range", sRangeFormat: "Between {from} and {to}" },
{ type: "select", values: $('#table_id').dataTable().fnGetColumnData(5) },
{ type: "select", values: $('#table_id').dataTable().fnGetColumnData(6) },
FAQ says it should be good for about 50 000 rows and I'm having issues with 10 000.
I'm I doing something wrong here?
Also, can you link to the page so we can see what is happening please?