Fixing one row to top of DataTable which will be displayed in all pages
Fixing one row to top of DataTable which will be displayed in all pages
Hi All,
Is it possible to have one row which will be fixed to the top of the body content, immediately after the table header.
This must be retained even when user navigates to a different page, scrolls through the data and sorts them.
Is this possible in DataTable 1.8.
Is it possible to have one row which will be fixed to the top of the body content, immediately after the table header.
This must be retained even when user navigates to a different page, scrolls through the data and sorts them.
Is this possible in DataTable 1.8.
This discussion has been closed.
I'm planning to have an expand row on the first fixed row, similar to fnOpen. In the second option, if I have it in the header, I guess it would break the layout.
In first approach, I will not be able to make the row fixed (sticking to the header irrespective of scroll) and only the other rows scrollable.
Is there any workaround for this or should I sacrifice the scroll requirement.