_fnGetCellData throw an error when oCol is undefined
_fnGetCellData throw an error when oCol is undefined

_fnGetCellData throw an error when oCol is undefined.
I'm using bStateSave with localstorage and ColVis.
If for example the first columns is invisible so chrome fires "Cannot call method 'fnGetData' of undefined "
and Firefox "TypeError: oCol is undefined" and the processing div is ever displayed.
I looked at the code and add something like this but don't know if this is a good solution.
function _fnGetCellData( oSettings, iRow, iCol, sSpecific )
if(typeof oCol == "undefined") {
return ''
_fnGetCellData throw an error when oCol is undefined.
I'm using bStateSave with localstorage and ColVis.
If for example the first columns is invisible so chrome fires "Cannot call method 'fnGetData' of undefined "
and Firefox "TypeError: oCol is undefined" and the processing div is ever displayed.
I looked at the code and add something like this but don't know if this is a good solution.
function _fnGetCellData( oSettings, iRow, iCol, sSpecific )
if(typeof oCol == "undefined") {
return ''
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