'Stop Running Script' Error IE8

'Stop Running Script' Error IE8

rpanesarrpanesar Posts: 6Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited June 2013 in General
Hello everyone,

I am now facing a problem that the ie8 will show a pop up showing" stop running the script.....". After I click the press the "NO" button, the table is correctly rendered without any problem. I'm currently using BOTH Server-side and Ajax-side processing for 2 different tables, and for both I'm receiving this error. For the server side I got about 50k+ records of data displaying 25 rows and for Ajax side15k displaying 25 rows. It works like a charm in Firefox and Chrome, but the issue is my client is primary IE8. With all this said I've implemented bDeferRender on both along with disabling bSortclasses/bsort false, is there anything else I can do make it faster? I understand completely that it is a lot of data. Below is parts of the implementation, I'm using C# for the back end. Allen, thank you so much for your plug-in and awesome support for this plugin.

"bDestroy": true,
"bDeferRender": true,
"bSortClasses": false,
"bSort": true,
"bJQueryUI": true,
"bServerSide": true,
"bProcessing": true,
"aAjaxSource": "/DBSource/GData",
"iDisplayLength": 25,
"bAutoWidth": false,
"sDom": 'T<"clear spacer"><"H"lfr>t<"F"ip>',
"oTableTools": {
"sSwfPath": "/swf/copy_csv_xls_pdf.swf",
"aButtons": [
"sExtends": "xls",
"sButtonText": "Save to Excel file"
"sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"aLengthMenu": [[25, 50, 100, 150, 200], [25, 50, 100, 150, 200]],
"aaSorting": [[0, 'asc']],
"aaData": $.parseJSON(JSON.stringify(data)),
"aoColumns": [
{ "mDataProp": "NAME", "sWidth": "7.5%" }]

The format of my Json data is as followed:
\"TName\":\"MISCELLANEOUS Cookies\",\"Unit\":\"tab\",\"ID\":\"COOKIES\"}]"
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