build aoData on the fly

build aoData on the fly

msumnermsumner Posts: 4Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited June 2013 in General
I am very new to DataTables so if this has been beat to death already I am sorry.

My server is ColdFusion and it's standard way to return a query by JSON is this:

{"COLUMNS":["USERID","IS_DELETED","VENDOR_NAME","VENDOR_NUMBER","USERNAME"],"DATA":[[1,null,null,1000,"nbsvendor"],[2,null,"NBS Fall forms test",123,"nbstest"],[3,null,"nbs fall forms test",125,"fall"]]}

The way I understand it an object with two arrays COLUMNS and DATA.

I have not had any luck using "sAjaxSource": ""

So I tried this:

$(document).ready(function() {

$('#demo').html( '' );

type: "GET",
url: "/cfc/dataTable2.cfc?method=myData&returnformat=json",
<!---data: dataString,--->
dataType: "json",
success: function(data){

$('#example').dataTable( {
"aaData": [
"aoColumns": [
{ "sTitle": data.COLUMNS[0] },
{ "sTitle": data.COLUMNS[1] },
{ "sTitle": data.COLUMNS[2] },
{ "sTitle": data.COLUMNS[3], "sClass": "center" },
{ "sTitle": data.COLUMNS[4], "sClass": "center" }

},//end success post
error: function(data){


I am not very good at javascript either so I was wondering is there a way to loop over my returned data set to build aaData?

Can you instantiate with something like this? $('#example').dataTable( {aaData,aoColumns});

Thanks in advance for any nudge in the right direction.
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