Solved: Column width not auto-re-sizing in Chrome only

Solved: Column width not auto-re-sizing in Chrome only

TechRayTechRay Posts: 7Questions: 0Answers: 0
edited July 2013 in General
upekiw -- debug

I am using the demo_tables.css that came with the download (only change was using shades of red instead of purple). I noticed that when I opened the table in a half screen width (monitor is 1920x1080) things looked fine, but if I then full-sized it the last column (only holds a checkbox) is expanded to take up the rest of the width of the page instead of each column getting bigger equally. I also noticed this *only* happens in chrome ironically. Table width is kept at 100% to take up the entire page. Is there something I have to do for chrome in order to get it to resize when the window resizes?

How my table is setup, no javascript or other errors are being thrown.
[code] oTable = $j('#jobReq_table')
{ "sPaginationType": "full_numbers",
"aaSorting": [[ 8, "desc" ]],
"aaData" : jsonList,
"aoColumns" : [
"sTitle" : "ID",
"mData" : "id"
"sTitle" : "Job ID",
"mData" : "jobId"
"sTitle" : "Job Title",
"mData" : "jobTitle"
"sTitle" : "Contract",
"mData" : "contract"
"sTitle" : "Project",
"mData" : "project"
"sTitle" : "Labor Category",
"mData" : "laborCategory"
"sTitle" : "Summary",
"mData" : "summary"
"sTitle" : "Job Description",
"mData" : "jobDescription"
"sTitle" : "Status",
"mData" : "status"
"sTitle" : "Posted Date",
"mData" : "postedDate"
"sTitle" : "Expiration Date",
"mData" : "expiredDate"
"mData" : null,
"sDefaultContent" : ""
} ]


  • TechRayTechRay Posts: 7Questions: 0Answers: 0
    Somewhat solved my issue above (at least enough for what I need right now)

    Turns out that chrome didn't like having a column without a title, or without characters in the title so I made it called 'Select' and made it unsortable and that fixed the re sizing issue. Another interesting effect was when I hid the first column (ID) it kept the form at a fixed width no matter what, it didn't re-size improperly anymore just didn't re-size at all, in FF or Chrome. So I did away with that too for now.
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